


Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson was the 17th President of the United States and served from April 15, 1865 to March 4, 1869.

650 Questions

What is possible future benefit of stem cell research?

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Potential future benefits of stem cell research include the development of new treatments for a variety of diseases and injuries, such as diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson's, and spinal cord injuries. Stem cells have the ability to regenerate and repair damaged tissues, offering hope for improving quality of life and potentially curing currently incurable conditions. Additionally, stem cell research could lead to a better understanding of how diseases develop and progress, leading to more effective prevention and management strategies.

Who was the smartest US President?

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It is subjective to determine the smartest US President, as intelligence can manifest in various ways. Some Presidents known for their intellect include Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama, among others.

How old was Eliza McCardle when she died?

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  • She was eighty years old when she died

How long was Andrew Johnson President before he proposed his own Reconstruction plan?

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Andrew Johnson became President of the United States in April 1865, following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. He proposed his own Reconstruction plan just a few months later, in May 1865.

Who was Andrew Johnson' s secretary of state?

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Andrew Johnson's secretary of state was William H. Seward. Seward served as secretary of state under both Johnson's predecessor, Abraham Lincoln, as well as during Johnson's presidency from 1865 to 1869.

Did Andrew Johnson pardon Jefferson Davis?

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Yes, Andrew Johnson, the 17th President of the United States, did pardon Jefferson Davis, the former President of the Confederate States of America. This happened on December 25, 1868, as part of Johnson's broader policy of amnesty and reconciliation towards former Confederates.

Who was the champion of the people against the planter class?

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A champion of the people against the planter class was Jim Hogg, who served as the governor of Texas from 1891 to 1895. He advocated for progressive reforms that aimed to curb the power of the wealthy landowners and prioritize the interests of the common people. Hogg's policies focused on regulation and accountability, particularly in the areas of railroad and corporate power.

Could Andrew Johnson sign his name?

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Yes, Andrew Johnson was capable of signing his name. He was known to be able to write, although his handwriting has been described as somewhat messy and difficult to read.

Andrew Johnson replaced who?

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Andrew Johnson replaced Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States. Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865, and Johnson assumed the presidency on the same day.

What are jack johnsons girls named?

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Jack Johnson and his wife, Kim Johnson, have three children. Their daughters are named Olive, Willow, and Ruby.

What did both president Abraham Lincoln and president Andrew Johnson sought out to do in their plans for Reconstruction?

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Asked by AmiyrahMarsahll

President Lincoln never had the time to put together a plan for reconstruction for the South. His assassination aborted any chance of that however all indications were that he would be lenient in areas that made sense.

The newly sworn in President Johnson also for his time had a more liberal approach to the Reconstruction problem than the radical republicans in congress.

Hometown of Andrew Johnson?

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He was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, but his hometown was Greeneville, Tennessee.

Was Andrew Johnson associated with the murder of Lincoln?

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He was not at all connected to the murderers, but the plot to kill Lincoln also included the killing of Andrew Johnson, but the man who was supposed to kill Johnson had second thoughts and did not carry out his assignment.

Why did Andrew Johnson have no vice president?

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Abraham choose Andrew because he was a U.S. seneter from Greeneville in eastern Tennessee

Or, as it says in my old text book, because he believed Johnston "could help him bring the South back into the Union more easily."

Andrew Johnson of Tennessee was Vice President. He became President when Lincoln was killed.

Who became vice president when Abraham Lincoln died?

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Andrew Johnson succeeded President Lincoln after he was assassinated.

Andrew Johnson became president after Lincoln death. He was the vice president and took over when Lincoln died

Andrew Johnson became the US president. He was a politician from the state of Tennessee.
Vice President Andrew Johnson became President, after President Lincoln was assassinated.
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson became the 17th US President.

Were is Andrew Johnson buried?

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Johnson is buried in the cemetery at Greeneville, Tennessee.

Why did the Republican Congress disagree with President Andrew Johnson's reconstruction plan?

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A major area of disagreement between Abraham Lincoln and the Radical Republicans was that Lincoln wanted to forgive and reintegrate the South back into the Union as painlessly and smoothly as possible while restricting the rights of freed slaves, whereas the Radical Republicans wanted to punish the South as harshly as possible and grant full citizenship rights to freed slaves. After Lincoln's assassination, the Radical Republicans went on to pass a string of laws that would grant voting rights to freedmen, restrict any whites associated with the Confederacy from holding public office, create the South's first public school system, and provide charitable institutions like hospitals and asylums.

When was Andrew Johnson born?

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Andrew Johnson was born on December 29, 1808

Did Andrew Johnson attend college?

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Andrew Johnson did not go to college. In fact, he never went to school at all. His family was poor and he was put to work as soon as he was old enough.

What was President Andrew Johnson's plan for reconstruction of the South?

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President Andrew Johnson's plan for reconstruction offered pardon and amnesty to participants in the rebellion who pledged loyalty to the Union. Andrew Johnson succeeded Abraham Lincoln when he was assassinated in April of 1865.

Why was president Johnson unable to stop Radical Republicans from putting their reconstruction plan into action?

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Radical Republicans in congress had enough votes to override or defeat ,both vetoes, and the bills became law.