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About 1,3million a year, 2003-2010 (8 years) since we don't know the numbers until the year is over, is around 10 400 000.

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Q: How many abortions have there been in the US since 2003?
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No one knows for sure since it was impossible to count because it was illegal but the WHO knows today that in countries where it is illegal the amount of abortions is the same as if it was legal. It's just unsafer and more dangerous. Today there are 1,2 million legal abortions a year in the US.

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2015�2003 = 12 years (next 4th December 2015).

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The last statistics reported were from 2009. There were 13,651 abortions that year.

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no abortions go back to the ancient Egyptians and probably before that. It was def around before the Nazis and many women died in backalley abortions.

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As many as you want (how many are you planning to have?)

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Since about 2003, they were signed to Hopeless Records on February 14th 2006.

How many teenage pregnancies are among Christians?

I can't find any numbers on how many Christian teens that are having abortions but they def exist. 17% of all abortions are had by teens and of all abortions do 43% of women obtaining abortions identify themselves as Protestant and 27% as Catholic. That is the closest I can find.