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Q: How many times did The senate has rejected the President's appointment of a Cabinet member?
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What is branch Member of this are appointed by the presidents?

His cabinet

Is President pro tempore a member of the presidents cabinet?

No. He is the senior majority member of the US Senate.

Who is the most important member of the presidents cabinet?

Secretary of State is generally considered to be the most prestigious cabinet position.

Which member of the presidents cabinet is nearest to the front of the line of successions?

Secretary of State

Who nominates the Presidents Cabinet?

The president nominates the member of his cabinet . They must be confirmed by the US Senate in order to take office.

Who was the longest serving United States cabinet member?

Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson 1897-1913. Served as a member of the cabinet for Presidents McKinley, Roosevelt, and Taft.

How often does the senate reject the president's appointment of a cabinet member?

It is fairly rare but it happens. Usually the President finds out in advance that a candidate will have difficulties being confirmed and withdraws the name.(Supreme court nominees are much more likely to be rejected than are cabinet nominees.)

What position is held by the top ranking officials in the presidents cabinet?

The Secretary of State is generally considered to be the top ranking cabinet member.

Why is the appointment of vice president as cabinet member does not need confirmation by the commission on appointment?

The vice-president is elected by the electoral college. He is not appointed by the President and so does not need confirmation by the Senate.

What are the two ways in which a person becomes a member of the presidents cabinet?

one way is they must be confined by a majority of votes

What member of the presidents cabinet manages the nations armed forces?

The Secretary of Defense manages the armed services for the President.

Can a president fire appointees after they have been confirmed by the senate?

The Senate has the power to approve or consent to the appointment of an individual a president nominates to be a member of the Cabinet. However, it has no authority to fire that individual once confirmed. Only the President can fire a Cabinet member. While Congress has no power to fire a Cabinet member, Congress it does have the power of the impeachment process to remove, not fire, the Cabinet member. Grounds for impeachment and removal of a Cabinet member are the same as those for impeachment and removal of the President.