At this writing, 5/3/2010, no woman has ever been elected President or Vice President of the US.
No US president was elected unanimously by popular vote. The only president elected unanimously by the electoral college was George Washington (There was no popular vote in this election).
he was re elected president four times.
4 years
25 presidents form the repulican party were elected to be the president of the USA.
The president can be elected twice in terms of four years. A maximum of eight years- two terms
You guys how many did die
Only one, Indira Gandhi (but she was elected twice).
No US president was elected unanimously by popular vote. The only president elected unanimously by the electoral college was George Washington (There was no popular vote in this election).
No, as of 2014 there has not been a girl/female President in the U.S. _______________________________ Women have been elected as the chief executive in many other nations; Golda Meir in Israel, Indira Ghandi in India and Margaret Thatcher in Great Britain, to name just three examples.
There were many different elections before women could vote, the right to vote was not obtained until 1921 by women.
Hillary Clinton has never been elected president. She apparently won the popular vote in the recent 2016 presidential election.
the French president is elected for five years.
55 times
There have been no elected women presidents in the US. Until 1920, US women were not even guaranteed the right to vote. Several women have run for the President as the candidate of various minor parties, but none has been nominated for the post by either of the two major political parties. Senator Hillary Clinton made a very strong showing in the 2008 Democratic primaries but eventually lost out to Obama.(Geraldine Ferraro was the Democratic candidate for Vice President in 1984, and Sarah Palin was the Republican candidate for Vice President in 2008. )