The last amendment added to the Constitution was the twenty-seventh (added over 200 years ago), and it was last ratified in 1992.
61 years
6789 years ago
Fulgencio Batista was elected president of Cuba 74 years ago(in 1940), and his presidency ended 4 years later(70 years ago) in 1944.
60 + 2016 = 2076 years.
amendment 5
That was the 19th Amendment, which was ratified on August 18, 1920. 90 years ago today.
Slavery officially ended in the United States in 1865 with the ratification of the 13th Amendment. As of 2021, that would be 156 years ago.
38 years ago
13010 years ago
42 years ago
Well, honey, if you're asking how many years ago 5000 years ago was, the answer is pretty straightforward. 5000 years ago was, surprise surprise, 5000 years ago. Time may fly, but math is pretty consistent.
fourscore and seven years ago means 87 years ago
49 years ago (as of 2017 !)
The year 1452 was 569 years ago.
2000 years ago
239 years ago.
2012 years ago