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by the 13th amendment

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Q: How was slavery ended in America?
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When did slavery end in America?

It ended after the civil war ended. But I can tell that Slavery ended in 1865, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation in North america.

When was slavery finally abolished in America?

slavery had ended right after the civil war, but it wasn't till 1865 that it had officially ended. So, slavery officially ended in 1865.

What opportunities did America miss for ending slavery?

America did not miss out on any opportunity's as a result of ending slavery. Slavery causes an unrealistic expectation of the cost of labour leading to gross inefficiency in the system. Slavery was not ended in America for the good of the slaves it was ended for the good of the system.

When did slavery in the north end?

Slavery ended in 1865, in all north America, but it most likely ended in 1700's for north.

What law ended legal segregation in America?

None. Segregaton continued for decades after slavery ended.

Where did slavery end in America?

The Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery in all areas in rebellion against the Union on January 1, 1863. The 13th amendment officially ended slavery in 1865

Was slavery in south America in 1930 bad?

Well, by 1930 slavery had ended in almost every country. The UK France,Spain, the US and so on. Most of these countries were in control of the slavery that was happening in south America. So, if they had ended there slavery, south America's could not have been that bad. However, that is not to say that there still wasn't slavery. There is still slavery till this day in certain countries. Was it as bad in the 1930s in south America no, did it still exists, probably.

Did slavery ended after the Civil War in America?

Yes, that was largely the reason for the war

How did America began?

i think american begin wen someone named t america. or wen slavery ended

What did Abraham Lincoln give America?

He Started the American Civil War and Ended Slavery.

When did slavery in most of Latin America?

Slavery in most of Latin America ended in the mid to late 19th century, with countries such as Brazil abolishing slavery in 1888. Some countries had already abolished slavery earlier, such as Mexico in 1829.

Which Amendment ended slavery in 1865 in the US?

The Constitution ended slavery in 1865 with the adoption of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution. It was adopted shortly after the end of the Civil War.