

Best Answer

you can find it in the social studies books that were i found it at i forgot what it said so look in a social studies book my opinion :P

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Q: How was the bill of rights used by the supreme court?
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Did the US Supreme Court apply the entire Bill of Rights to the states under doctrine of Total Incorporation?

No. The US Supreme Court used the doctrine of "Selective Incorporation" to apply the Bill of Rights to the States on a clause-by-clause basis, as they became relevant to cases before the Court.

Which Amendment was interpreted by the Supreme Court to establish its authority to determine if a state was violating the rights of citizens contained in the Bill of Rights?

The US Supreme Court has used the Fourteenth Amendment, under the Due Process Clause and Equal Protect Clause, to selectively incorporate the Bill of Rights to the states.For more information on selective incorporation, see Related Questions, below.

What part of the Constitution provides the foundation for the incorporation doctrine that applies the Bill of Rights to the states?

The foundation of the incorporation doctrine is the Fourteenth Amendment. The US Supreme Court has used the Due Process Clause and Equal Protection Clause to apply individual clauses of the Bill of Rights to the States.

In what kinds of cases does the supreme court have original jurisdiction?

The Supreme Court of the United States has federal jurisdiction. The Supreme court can also be used as an appeals court for state and local charges.

How has the ruling in Tinker been modified by later supreme court decisions?

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District was a decision by the Supreme Court that defined the rights of students in schools. The Tinker test is still used to determine whether a school's disciplinary actions violate students' rights

Related questions

Did the US Supreme Court apply the entire Bill of Rights to the states under doctrine of Total Incorporation?

No. The US Supreme Court used the doctrine of "Selective Incorporation" to apply the Bill of Rights to the States on a clause-by-clause basis, as they became relevant to cases before the Court.

When did the bill of rights gain the most prominence in American politics through supreme court decisions?

Almost every decision by the supreme court breaths new life into the bill of rights. The first real indication of the dominance of the bill of rights is in Marbury VS Madison: in that decision the supreme court set the stage for what is / was, to come by quoting article 6 of the constitution, in part "....this constitution is the supreme law of the land.." The Jefferson administration then used this decision as another foundational support of the original Republican party to gain dominance in the federal government.

What clause did the US Supreme Court use to apply the bill of rights to states during the 20th century?

The Supreme Court used the Due Process Clause

Which Amendment was interpreted by the Supreme Court to establish its authority to determine if a state was violating the rights of citizens contained in the Bill of Rights?

The US Supreme Court has used the Fourteenth Amendment, under the Due Process Clause and Equal Protect Clause, to selectively incorporate the Bill of Rights to the states.For more information on selective incorporation, see Related Questions, below.

What term did the US Supreme Court use in the majority opinion of Griswold v. Connecticut to describe how various protected rights combine to create a broader zone of undefined rights?

In Griswold v. Connecticut, (1965) the US Supreme Court used substantive due process to protect a fundamental right to privacy not explicitly mentioned in the Bill of Rights, by extrapolating from concepts and rights protected in specific amendments.In the majority opinion Justice Douglas said that several of the rights guaranteed in the bill of rights combined to create a penumbra, which is the right to a zone of privacy in marriage.

What part of the Constitution provides the foundation for the incorporation doctrine that applies the Bill of Rights to the states?

The foundation of the incorporation doctrine is the Fourteenth Amendment. The US Supreme Court has used the Due Process Clause and Equal Protection Clause to apply individual clauses of the Bill of Rights to the States.

Which amendment to the Constitution did the Supreme Court use as the device to apply the First Ten Amendments to the individual states?

The US Supreme Court has used the Fourteenth AmendmentDue Process and Equal Protection Clauses to apply significant portions of the Bill of Rights to the States; however, some parts of the first ten amendments remain unincorporated.

Who wrote 'The Supreme Court and Human Rights'?

There are two possible answers to this question.The first is an article in The Hindu about the Supreme Court in India:Rajagopal, Balakrishnan. "The Supreme Court and Human Rights." The Hindu. Op-Ed, December 6, 2000 onlineThe second is a book of essays edited by Burke Marshall. Although the book is out of print, it appears to be available through several used booksellers.Marshall, Burke, ed. The Supreme Court and Human Rights. Washington, DC: United States International Communication Agency, 1982. Print. Forum series.

What is the supreme courts rules on freedom of speech?

The freedom of speech comes from the Bill of Rights in the first amendment. Speech as in rulings by the Supreme Court can be used in many ways. Protesting government policies is freedom of speech, political Cartoons, books, editorial letters, burning the flag , and other sources are part of the freedom of speech.

When did the individual states have to also abide by the bill of rights?

"However, beginning in the early 20th century, the Supreme Court has used the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to apply most of the Bill of Rights to the states through the process and doctrine of selective incorporation." WORKS CITED:

In what kinds of cases does the supreme court have original jurisdiction?

The Supreme Court of the United States has federal jurisdiction. The Supreme court can also be used as an appeals court for state and local charges.

What doctrine adopted by the supreme court allowed application of the bill of rights to the states?

The Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause has been used to apply the Bill of Rights (the first ten Amendments to the Constitution) to the States, under the doctrine of "selective incorporation."For more information, see Related Questions, below.