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The New Jersey Plan featured a unicameral (single house) legislature. Each state would send a single representative to the legislature.

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Q: How was the legislative to be set up in the New Jersey plan?
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What are the similarities and differences of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey plan?

The New Jersey Plan has a unicameral government (one house) and the Virginia Plan has a bicameral government (two houses.) The Virginia Plan wants representation in Congress to be based on population. The New Jersey Plan wants representation in Congress to be equally represented. The similarity between the two are they both want to create a system of government for the United States to follow.

What was the Great Compromise in the US Constitution?

The Great Compromise was made, because the politicians didn't know what our government plan would be. Although both the New Jersey Plan and The Virginia Plan had three branches of government, (Judicial, Legislature, and Executive) the plans varied on the details of the Legislative Branch. The Virginia Plan stated there would be two houses in Legislature, and the Representatives per state would be based on each state's population. The New Jersey Plan stated there would only be one house in the Legislature, and each state would have an equal number of representatives, to make it fair. But, both sides had very valid points. For the Virginia Plan, they said because they paid more taxes, they deserved more representation. The New Jersey Plan said that because the big states had more representation, the laws would be formed around the same states, and not on the small states opinion as well. The meeting's attendees decided on a compromise. The Legislature would have two houses. The House of Representatives would be based on population, while the Senate would have equal representation for each state. (Two senators per state.) This became our plan of government, which we still use today!

Who set out president Woodrow Wilson's plan for government in the US?

New Freedom

Differences between Virginia and New Jersey plans?

The Virginia plan said that the larger states should have more votes in the house or representatives, while the New Jersey plan said that all states should have the same number, they reached a compromise by allowing larger states to have more votes and people in the House of reps. while in the senate everyone just has 2 votes.

Why was it so difficult to devise a system of government for the United States?

It took the Founding Fathers so long to create a new government, because it was hard to agree on the same set of rules. For example, there was two plan the Virginia plan and the New Jersey plan. The Virginia plan stated that big states should get morer represenatives while the New Jersey plan stated that all the states should have the same representation thus creating congress.

Related questions

What powers would congress have New Jersey plan that it did not have under the articles of confederation?

They could set taxes and regulate trade power.

Uder the Connecticut compromise where did states have equal representation?

States have equal representation in the Senate, where there is a set amount of representatives for each state, rather than a varied number by population.

What powers would congress have under the New Jersey Plan that it did not have under the Articles of Confederation?

They could set taxes and regulate trade power.

What powers would congress have under the New Jersey plan that it did not have under articles of confederation?

They could set taxes and regulate trade power.

What was the process by which the new government set up operations?

A legislative body

What is the importance of the great compromise?

The Great Compromise was significant in that it established how our legislature is set up to this day. Originally it was intended to be one body, but large states like Virginia wanted representation based on population, whereas smaller states like New Jersey wanted representation based on the same number of delegates, regardless of population. The Great Compromise proposed having both, setting up our legislative bodies.

What were the compromise in the article of confederation?

One of the most important compromises is the Great Compromise. It was a compromise between two plans pushed forward; the Virginia plan and the New Jersey plan. The Virginia plan wanted representation in congress to be based off of states population. The New Jersey plan wanted equal representation for each state no matter the size. Ultimately the great compromise combined both of these plans and set up what we know today as the House of Reps. and Congress. One based on population of each state, and the other based off of two senators per state appointed by state legislatures.

What was the Virginia and Jersey plan?

Virginia Plan - Each state receives a certain number of representatives based on population. New Jersey Plan - Each state receives an equal number of representatives. Nowadays, the senate is based on the New Jersey Plan and the House of Representatives is based on the Virginia Plan.

Where is the TV show Charles in Charge set?

New Jersey

What was New Jersey founded for?

New Jersey was originally founded by the Dutch in the early 1600's where they set up small trading towns.

What is New Jersey doing to decrease water pollution?

water clean ups are set up to decrees water pollution throughout new jersey

When will the sun set on October 16 2010 in New Jersey?

At 6:21PM