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It took the Founding Fathers so long to create a new government, because it was hard to agree on the same set of rules. For example, there was two plan the Virginia plan and the New Jersey plan. The Virginia plan stated that big states should get morer represenatives while the New Jersey plan stated that all the states should have the same representation thus creating congress.

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It is very hard to come up with a system that can create peace in the nation since the citizens of the nation have a tendency to do evil and find ways to avoid the law.

The fact that everybody wants a different kind of law and government, also makes it hard to decide with pressure from multiple sides of the decision-making process.

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Q: Why was it so difficult to devise a system of government for the United States?
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Why did leaders call for the constitution convention?

The Constitutional Convention was called to amend the Articles of Confederation, the rules for the United States' first independent government. But when the fifty-five delegates attempted to amend the plan, they realized the task was impossible. The delegates scrapped the Articles of Confederation and secretly began working to devise an entirely new framework for government, the US Constitution.

Why was the Constitutional Convention held?

To amend the Articles of Confederation

Is it helpful to devise an easy way to remember office closing duties such as using a what?

Tickler file?

For providing optimum security the best voting devise is considered by many to be a.the voting booth by email voting d.EDP-based voting?

A: Voting Booth PS i am using E2020 as well and am seeing many of your questions are the same as mine

What was the background of the Cabinet Mission Plan what did it envisage for the eventual transfer of power Give reasons for its failure?

Cabinet Mission was a high powered delegation of British officials that visited India in 1946 to discuss power transfer from British to Indian leadership. Its aim was to devise a plan for transfer of power, establishing a body for constitution and setting up of an executive council to oversee these matters in consultation with local leadership. Cabinet mission suggested of dividing India into three groups with a central government in Delhi that would control defense , currency, and diplomacy and rest of the matters would be provincial subjects. Indian National Congress rejected the plan as it had suggested division of India. Muslim league was however more eager to accept the plan but rejection of Congress meant the mission returned failed.

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