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Q: In 1940 shows the signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. The second painted in 1836 shows the American victory at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. statements best describe each of these paintings?
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Where did General Cornwallis surrender to American and French forces?

Yorktown, in 1781, in Virginia

The American revolution ended when the british surrenered here?


How was the Battle of Yorktown fought?

The Battle of Yorktown was fought because Lord Cornwallis believed that by having the British troops camp out in Yorktown Virginia they could force American troops to surrender control of the Carolina territories. George Washington marched the American troops into Yorktown and demanded that the British troops leave. This was the final battle of the American Revolution.

What battle helped end the American revolution?

the Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle of the American Revolution.

Where was the last battle of the American Revolution fought at?

Shawnee Indian village in the Ohio territory*

Related questions

Which of these paintings should be considered a secondary source?

(Apex) Both paintings are secondary sources.

Where did the British general Cornwallis surrender to American forces leading to the end of the American revolutionary war?

At the Battle of Yorktown.

Where did General Cornwallis surrender to American and French forces?

Yorktown, in 1781, in Virginia

The American revolution ended when the british surrenered here?


Where did the American revolution finish?

At the Battle of Yorktown… obviously in Yorktown

Were the french involved in the American constitution?

France played a key role in the war. They provided America with money and weapons, and they also sent troops and ships that were a desicive element at the Battle of Yorktown. The Yorktown Battle ended the war.

What is the significance of Yorktown?

it was the last major battle in American revolution..Yorktown ended the war.!

Who was the American general at Yorktown?


Who was the American who won the battle of Yorktown in 1781?

George Washington commanded the Continental army at yorktown.

Was the battle of Yorktown in the Civil War?

No. The Battle of Yorktown was the defining battle of the American war for independence from Britain. The Yorktown Battle was part of the American Revolutionary War in 1781 and it was also a battle in the Civil war in 1862.

What was the last of the American revolution?

The Battle of Yorktown.

What caused the battle at Yorktown?

the american revolution