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The presidential position could become too similar to that of a benevolent dictator lasting a lifetime and the position could become too powerful and upset the separation of powers.

I got this from Wikipedia. Hope it helps!

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this came shortly after the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, who served for like 3-4 terms and probably could have kept getting re-elected had he not died. While Roosevelt was actually a great president, his getting re-elected over and over got people worried that someone could get in office and keep getting re-elected for a lifetime-thus almost becoming a King instead of a President. So they set a 2 term limit.

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12y ago

They were afraid that they might get Presidents for Life. Before the 22nd amendment was written, nothing in the consitution told you you couldn't serve more than 2 terms. They all just served 2 terms because George Washignton served 2 terms and all the other presidents followed his example. However, when Franklin Roosevelt was president, he was elected to 4 terms, because congress didn't want to change presidents during war, but FDR died in his 3rd term and served a total of 12 years. I guess they are just afraid of having a dictator as a president, and that they may abuse their power. I don't think presidents should be limited to a 2 term limit, because without it they will be able to acheive more long term goals/ acts. They are very limited, in time because 8 years may seem like alot, but it isn't enough it make the changes that need to happen. Also, it is highly unlikely for a bad president, because if he does do anything wrong, the H.O.R can impeach the president, and we also have many checks and balances, so the congress must approve of the presidents decision.

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22 ammendment

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Q: In 1951 why was an amendment to the Constitution set a limit on the number of terms a president may serve?
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Which amendment limits the number of years a President may serve as chief Executive?

The Twenty-second Amendment (Amendment XXII) of the United States Constitution sets a term limit for the President of the United States.

Why did Franklin Delano Roosevelt get 4 presidential terms and not 2?

When FDR served, the Constitution did not limit the number of terms a president could serve. George Washington set the precedent of two terms and presidents had followed it until FDR. After him an amendment to the Constitution was ratified that limits a president to two terms

When was there a limit put on how long a US president could stay in office?

The limit was set in 1947 with the passing of the Twenty-second Amendment which put a "term-limit" on the number of terms a single president can serve. The fact that FDR served four-terms as President helped to get the Amendment passed as well. See the Related Links for a more detailed description of the amendment.

What amendment was passed because of FDR?

The 22nd to limit the number of times a president can be president.

Are there any term limits placed on the presidency?

Yes, there is a two-term limit on the President of the United States. This was made possible by the 22nd Amendment to the Federal Constitution ratified in 1951.

What limits the presidency to a two term limit?

The 22nd amendment to the constitution allows a president to be elected to at most two terms.

How times can a US president be re-elected?

They can only be reelected once. This restriction appears in the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution. Before this amendment was ratified, there was no limit on how many terms a president could be elected to serve.

Which Amendment to the Constitution places a limit on the length of time a president may serve?

The 22nd Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified on February 27, 1951, specifies Presidential term limit restrictions, wherein "No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once."

Which article discusses the lenght of a term for the president?

There was no article in the U.S. Constitution to address the term limits of the President. The two-term limit was established by the twenty-second amendment.

What is the purpose of the 22nd amendment?

The Twenty-second Amendment of the United States Constitution sets a term limit for the president of the United States. The Congress passed the amendment on March 21, 1947. It was ratified by the requisite number of states February 27, 1951. The Amendment was the final result of the recommendations of the Hoover Commission which was established by president Harry S. Truman in 1947.

What amendment established a two-term limit?

It is the Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution that created the two-term limit. The amendment was ratified in 1951.

Which amendment says a president can only have 2 terms?

The 22nd Amendment to the U. S. Constitution limits the number of times a person can be elected President to one for those who have served as President or Acting President for more than two years of a term to which somebody else was elected and two for everybody else, but the two terms do not need to be consecutive.