strong mayor
The mayor is the executive of the local government.
The mayor is head of city government. Some larger counties have mayors too. The mayor is the executive branch on the smallest level.
A Mayor-council structure closely matches the structure of state and national government with a distinct executive and legislative branch.
-the mayor;;
in the strong-mayor system the mayor has strong executive power, and the weak-mayor system the mayors authority is limited
in the strong-mayor system the mayor has strong executive power, and the weak-mayor system the mayors authority is limited
in the strong-mayor system the mayor has strong executive power, and the weak-mayor system the mayors authority is limited
strong-mayor system
true. the mayor acts as the executive in a commission form of government The mayor acts as the executive in a commission form of government.
strong mayor
The mayor is the executive of the local government.
The city manager type, as opposed to the strong mayor type.
in the strong-mayor system the mayor has strong executive power, and the weak-mayor system the mayors authority is limited
in the strong-mayor system the mayor has strong executive power, and the weak-mayor system the mayors authority is limited
executive powers of his office