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i don't know is the answer cuz it does not even make sense so i am so confused about this question.

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Q: In government what happens when there is no agreed-on or peaceful means for removing officials?
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What term means removing government regulations from business?

I would have to say that is deregulation. P.S. Warning the government no longer has your better interest at heart.

Removal of the members of the executive branch of the government?

There is only one member of the executive branch of American government- the president. Removal of that branch violates the system of checks and balances provided by the Founding Fathers. If you're talking about assassinations, that's also illegal and would be ineffective at "removing" the executive office from government.

What was the type of government that replaced the French monarchy after the French Revolution?

The French consulate, designed by Napoleon.

What is the purpose of a recall election?

the purpose of having a recall is to be able to "recall" government appointees with adequate and efficient petitions; just like the Arnold S. incident back in '02 and how he won his governorship in California. -justin yin

According to the Declaration of Independence when do the people have the right to overthrow their government?

According to the Declaration of Independence, governments are created to protect the rights granted to all people, known as unalienable rights. That means they cannot be taken away. Governments get their power from the people they govern. If the government cannot protect the rights of the people or if the government becomes destructive of the rights of the people, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish the government. If a government has been in operation for a long time, the Declaration indicates that peaceful means should be attempted to solve the problems, via the ballot box, laws, etc. However, if the government has become dictatorial or a unconstitutional monarchy then violent revolution may be the only course for the people.

Related questions

What is Removing federal officials classified as?

The removal of federal officials is called impeachment.

What did congress pass to prohibit the president from removing the government officials without the senates approval?

The Tenure of Office ActThe Tenure of Office Actthe Tenure of Office Act

Is there a peaceful way to change Mexico's government?

It usually does, using direct popular vote, as Mexico is a presidential federal representative republic, much like the United States.If you mean to change issues in the Mexican government such as rampant corruption by state and local officials, or malpractices such as purchase of votes in exchange for food and other items, it will take some time as Mexico is trying to make the change from a third-world country into an industrialized nation. Key word here is time: removing practices that lasted for decades (and in some instances, for centuries) will take a tremendous effort to do.

Who has the power to bring up government officials on charges and determine if they should be removed from office?

The only power which has absolute and definitive control over removing people from office is the supreme court

What revolutionary activities did Samuel Adams do during the peaceful times after the Townshend Acts were repealed?

During peaceful times, Samuel Adams organized one of the Committees of Correspondence. The Massachusetts Committee of Correspondence was formed in 1772 in response to the Gaspee Affair, and to a recent change in the method of paying the colonial governor which resulted in removing the colonies only means of controlling officials.

What law did the congress pass in 1867 to limit the presidents power?

In March 1867, Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act, which prohibited the president from removing government officials, including members of his own cabinet, without the Senate's approval.

What law did Congress passed in the March 1867 to limit the presidents?

In March 1867, Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act, which prohibited the president from removing government officials, including members of his own cabinet, without the Senate's approval.

What law did congress pass in march 1867 to limit the president's power?

In March 1867, Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act, which prohibited the president from removing government officials, including members of his own cabinet, without the Senate's approval.

What law did congress pass in march 1867?

In March 1867, Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act, which prohibited the president from removing government officials, including members of his own cabinet, without the Senate's approval.

In the early 1960s soviet government officials were concerned about the nuclear missiles that the US had placed on the territory of.?

Turkey. However they were already obsolete Jupiter and Thor missiles that we were already planning on removing before the Cuban Missile crisis. It was an easy trade for the US.

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Why did they call the colt 45 the peacemaker?

Mainly because if there wasn't peace, the colt 45 was quick to bring it. Either by threatening those not being peaceful or removing the problem.