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The August, 1964 Gulf of Tonkin resolution.

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Q: In what resolution of 1964 did Congress give president Johnson a blank check for the war in Vietnam?
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How did the Gulf of Ton-kin Resolution affect President Lyndon B Johnson's ability to fight communism in South Vietnam?

The resolution allowed President Johnson to commit more troops to South Vietnam without the approval of Congress.

What gave president Johnson the power to commit troops to Vietnam without asking congress for the declaration of war?

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

Did the congress ever pass anything that allowed the president to take any military action in Vietnam?

Yes. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution authorized President Johnson to escalate the war in Vietnam.

Which president asked for the tonkin gulf resolution?

President Johnson asked congress for and received a resolution giving him power to use whatever was necessary to protect U.S. interests in Vietnam on August 7, 1964.

Who gave President Johnson the right for the US to engage in war with Vietnam?

The Congress of the United States authorized Johnson to use "military force" in order to defend Vietnam. This was done with the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. It was not a formal declaration of war.

What gave President Johnson the power to commit troops to Vietnam without asking Congress for a deceleration of war?

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What events led president Johnson to ask Congress for authority to take military action in Vietnam?

Gunboats from the North Vietnam Navy fired on US ships while they were in international waters in the Gulf of Tonkin. The Act of Congress that gave LBJ the authority to wage war was called the Tonkin Gulf Resolution.

What plan did congress approve that gave Johnson power during the Vietnam war?

The Tonkin Gulf Resolution.

How was president able to use force in Vietnam without a declaration?

The president was able to use force in Vietnam without a declaration due to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. This resolution, passed by Congress in 1964, granted President Lyndon B. Johnson authority to take any necessary measures to repel armed attacks against U.S. forces and to prevent further aggression. This effectively gave the president the power to escalate military involvement in Vietnam without an official declaration of war.

What was the name given to the us backed invasion?

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution enabled the United States to conduct military operations in Vietnam without declaring war. This resolution was enacted by Congress at the behest of then President Johnson.

What American policy also led to involvement in Vietnam?

which resolution allowed president johnson to increase us involment in vietnam

When the The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution or the Southeast Asia Resolution Pub L 88 to 408 was passed what did Congress authorize the President do?

The Tonkin Gulf Resolution stated that Congress approves and supports the determination of the President, as Commander in Chief, to take all necessary measures to repeal any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent any further aggression As a result, President Johnson, and later President Nixon, relied on the resolution as the legal basis for their military policies in Vietnam. As public resistance to the war heightened, the resolution was repealed by Congress in January 1971.