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Democracy : type of government ordinary citizens take part in.

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Q: In which types of government do ordinary citizens take part in decisions?
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In which types of government do ordinary citizens have little or no say in decisions?


In which types of government do ordinary citizens take part in government?

Democracy : type of government ordinary citizens take part in.

In which types of government do ordinary citizens have a little or no say in decisions?

Theocracies Oligarchies Dictatorships Absolute monarchies Communism International corporations The EU commission The United Nations

What role do citizens play in different types of government?

i firmly believe that the citizens stands so essential in the society thus the society is in need of having citizens. government wont be functional if citizens were absent.

What government types reflects Thomas Hobbes philosophy of government?

A country is controlled by a king who has the absolute authority to make decisions.

What types of government did Athens and Sparta have?

Both states had limited democracies - with citizens being adult males who voted during assemblies on motions put before them. For a short period Athens had a radical democracy, with the citizens voting on issues each fortnight, a councilt carrying out their decisions, and juries deciding on law cases.

How many types of govemnent are in democracy list them?

There are two main types of democracy: direct democracy and representative democracy. Direct democracy involves citizens directly participating in decision-making, typically through voting or referendums. Representative democracy, on the other hand, involves citizens electing representatives who make decisions on their behalf in legislative bodies such as parliaments or congresses.

What types of international issues and events would require policy decisions by local government officials?


Types of decisions?

tactic decisions & strategic decisions

What were the three types of government that developed in the greek city-states after Greece's dark ages?

Oligarchy - 'rule by the few' - an aristocratic cartel which excluded ordinary people. Tyranny - rule by a single man appointed to get rid of the oligarchs and give the ordinary people a government which looked after their interests. Democracy - 'people power' - which gave the ordinary people a say in their government.

Why do citizens need to recognize the different types of propaganda?

Citizens need to recognize different types of propaganda to make informed decisions, avoid manipulation, and think critically about information presented to them. By understanding the methods and tactics used in propaganda, individuals can better assess the credibility and validity of messages they encounter.

What types decisions does the republic make?

A republic is a general category of forms of government, and the specifics of each determine the answer to your question. Not to mention that your phase 'who is in charge' is too vague - in charge of what?In the abstract, it can be said that the citizens of the republic are in charge, as ultimate political power in a republic rests with the voting public.