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Q: Is 51 percent a majority vote?
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Does a Simple Majority vote over rule Ontario Condo board rules which require 90 percent majority?

If the association's governing documents require a 90 percent majority as a vote to approve a matter, then that is what is required. A simple majority does not satisfy the 90 percent majority requirement. Generally, the 90 percent majority indicates a majority of owners. No even a simple majority of board members can overwhelm this requirement.

What does majority party of congess mean?

Being the majority party in congress is simply have any number more then half of the whole party. Like the senate for example if there are 51/49 vote the 51 votes are the majority party.

What percent of congress people have to vote for a bill to pass in either the house or the senate?


A majority vote means the support of?

more than 50 percent of the voters.

A candidate who gets forty five percent of the vote might have whatbut cannot have what?

The answer is plurality,majority The answer is D. They cannot have the majority if they only have forty-five percent of the votes. It would take over fifty percent to have the majority of the votes. With that in mind there is only one answer with majority as the second answer.

What percent of the vote did the Wade-Davis Reconstruction Bill require in order for a state to rejoin the Union?

51 %

What did Obama win after he won 51 percent of the popular vote in Ohio?

all of the state's electoral votes

What is difference between the absolute majority and simple majority?

A two-thirds majority means that 2/3 of a voting body is required to agree to something. A simple majority means that one vote more than 1/2 is required. For example, in the U.S. Senate, a 2/3 majority is 67 out of 100 senators, and a simple majority is 51 out of 100. In the case of a tie vote of 50 yes votes and 50 no votes, the Vice President, who is president of the Senate, casts a vote to break the tie.

What is exercised when more than fifty percent of the people vote for and decide an issue?

majority rule

What is exercised when more than fifty percent of the people vote for and decide the issue?

majority rule