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Q: Is There is a political action committee organized to represent the interests of extraterrestrials?
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What organized interest groups apply pressure to government through?

lobbyist or political action committee

Organized interest groups enhance American democracy by doing what?

Representing the interests of large numbers of people and encouraging political participation.

What best describes an organized group that seeks to win elections promote its ideas to gain supporters and run the government?

A Political Action Committee (PAC) meets this definition, and so does a political party.

How Party discipline is enforced through?

A party discipline is implemented by committee appointments. This refers to political parties that also needs to establish a well-organized group.

What is a Political committee devoted to one issue?

They are called the [insert issue here] commitee. As in the community cleanup comitee or the anti-drug comitee.

Who are organized interests?

Organized interests refer to groups or organizations that actively advocate for specific political or social goals. These groups can include businesses, advocacy organizations, labor unions, and other entities that work together to influence public policy in their favor through lobbying, campaigns, and various other strategies.

What is a action committee?

Different groups contribute money to political campaigns. One kind of group is called a political action committee (PAC). Members of a political action committee have the same beliefs about certain public policies. PACs also work between elections. Other temporary groups form just to raise money for campaigns. A political action committee (PAC) is a Political arm of a special interest group that seeks to influence elections and public policy decisions. Different groups contribute money to political campaigns. One kind of group is called a political action committee (PAC). Members of a political action committee have the same beliefs about certain public policies. PACs also work between elections. Other temporary groups form just to raise money for campaigns. A political action committee (PAC) is a Political arm of a special interest group that seeks to influence elections and public policy decisions.In the United States, a political action committee, or PAC, the name commonly given to a private group, regardless of size, organized to elect political candidates or to advance the outcome of a political issue or legislation

Which of the following is an organization designed to support political candidates with campaign contribution?

Political action committee

What is the smallest political division that is formed to organize workers?

A labor union is the smallest political division formed to organize workers. It is typically organized at the company or industry level to represent and advocate for employee rights and interests.

When did Youth for America Political Action Committee end?

Youth for America Political Action Committee ended in 2005.

When was Arab American Political Action Committee created?

Arab American Political Action Committee was created in 1998.

When was Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs created?

Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs was created in 1981.