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It is a debatable fact since the number of Loyalists would have included those wary of antagonizing their Patriot neighbors. However, it is doubtful that the Colonial Army could have survived without the support of the majority of the residents of the respective colonies. There were probably an equal number of businesses within the British-controlled areas that dared not openly support independence.

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Q: Is it a fact that only about 33 percent of the colonists actually supported the fight for independence during the Revolutionary War?
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What percent of the colonists actually supported the fight for Independence during the American Revolutionary War A Only 33 B 67 C 91 D 58 percent?

True, only 33 percent of the colonists actually supported the fight for Independence during the American Revolutionary War.

What year did the colonists declare themselves free?

They declared independence in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence.However, they were not actually their own nation until the end of the Revolutionary War, in 1783.

What person started the Revolutionary War?

The colonists were the people who started the revolutionary war. They wanted freedom from Britain, so they made the Declaration of Independence. They also chose George Washington as the leader for the army. Actually King George the 3rd started the tax acts which then led to the Revolutionary War

Which war is known as the war of independence?

americas war of independence is also known as the revolutionary war, but that is not what is meant to be called, it is actually the war of indepence.

How was the colony British North America managed?

The UK relatively left the colonies to themselves. But once they saw that the colonies were prospering and actually doing better than the homeland, they got more involved, mainly by imposing taxes on the colonists. This angered the colonists and this is the main reason for the Revolutionary War and American independence.

Did the declaration of independence address the rights of all colonists?

The Declaration of Independence actually declared the rights of only men, not women or slaves. The Constitution addressed all colonists rights including women

Why might british leaders have feltthe colonists were sending mixed messeges about independence?

Maybe to scare them to get them annoyed and then they would actually do it at the end.Cause they wouldn't take the pain.

Which came first American revolution or Declaration of Independence?

The American Revolution came first. King Louis XV who was the King in France (the one that was overthrown and sent to the guillotine during the french revolution) actually gave money to help the American cause. The Americans could not have won the war if they had not received financial & political support from France.

What do the state tree for Maine represent?

Actually it was there since the revolutionary war and colonists back then had a parade under it for there freedom from the king of England or somewhere else. I'm pretty sure it is still there today :]

What country helped the continentals during the American Revolution?

France and to a lesser degree The Netherlands (Holland) and Spain helped the colonists during the American Revolution (actually war for independence).

Why did the colonists call themselves Americans?

The Colonist called themselfs Americans because they were independent from Britain when they signed The Declaration of Independence. Actually they were called americans because they were colonized in the Americas

What does Independence Day actually commemorate?

our independence from Great Britain