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"I am looking forward to seeing you." Is a correct sentence.

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Q: Is it correct sentence I am looking forward to seeing you?
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Is a correct sentence I look forward to see you?

No, the correct sentence is "I look forward to seeing you." This uses the -ing form after "to" to show the action that you are looking forward to.

Is We looked forward to see you correct?

No, the correct phrasing is "We looked forward to seeing you."

Is it correct sentence we are looking forwrd to seeing you until then?

"I am looking forward to going there" is a correct sentence from a grammatical standpoint. However, it may sound more natural to say "I am looking forward to going to (insert place here)", depending on the dialect of your area.

Is this correct Looking forward to see you soon?

no not really it's most likely saying looking forward seeing you or to see you

Is this correct - I am looking forward to seeing your reunion pictures?

Grammatically you mean? Yes, it is correct.

Is it correct to say looking forward to seeing you?

Yes, it is correct to say "looking forward to seeing you" as it conveys anticipation and excitement for an upcoming meeting or encounter. It is a common and polite way to express your eagerness to meet someone.

How do you use looking forward to in a sentence?

Examples: I'm looking forward to seeing you. I'm looking forward to my new job. I'm looking forward to my bright future. I'm look forwards and upwards.

Is it proper grammar to say... I am looking forward to seeing you all.?

Yes, "I am looking forward to seeing you all" is grammatically correct. It shows anticipation and excitement for meeting or reuniting with a group of people.

What is correct looking forward to your presence or looking forward for your presence?

The second phrase - "looking forward to your reply" is correct.Used as an adverb, forward refers to a time in the future or a direction, normally in front.The phrase for ward has no specific meaning out of context, and requires some minor contortions to use in a sentence: "How many polling places are ready for ward 2?" "We bought a cake for Ward because it's his birthday."

Can you say I look forward to seeing you?

Yes, "I look forward to seeing you" Is correct grammar.

Why do you say looking forward to seeing you and not looking forward to see you?

it is future tense

Is it look forward to seeing you there What there do I use There or Their?

In this sentence, the correct word to use is "there." "I look forward to seeing you there." "There" is used to refer to a place or location, while "their" is a possessive pronoun indicating possession by a group of people.