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Lobbyist approach the White House officials in order to help WRITE LEGISLATION. Members of Congress who leave office usually become lobbyists.

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Khalil Lubowitz

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2y ago
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Write legislation

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Q: Lobbyists approach white officials to do what?
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Why do lobbyist approach white house officials?

Lobbyist approach the White House officials in order to help WRITE LEGISLATION. Members of Congress who leave office usually become lobbyists.

Is it true that lobbyists approach White House officials to influence court cases?

No!? It would make more sense if they approached justices, not the White House officials.

Lobbyists use a direct approach with to affect decison making?

public officials

Who do lobbyists use a direct approach with to affect decision making?

public officials

Who do lobbyists use a direct approach to affect decision making?

Public officials

Who are People who contact public officials to express the wishes of an interest group?


What are the people called who contact public officials to express the wishes?

The people who contact public officials to express their wishes are generally called constituents or citizens. They may also be referred to as lobbyists, activists, or advocates depending on their specific role or purpose in contacting the officials.

When government officials leave office and take positions as lobbyists they are said to be passing through the?

revolving door

What kinds of background do people who become lobbyists often have?

Most lobbyist are often former government officials.

People who represent interest groups and work with legislature are called?

Lobbyists. They advocate on behalf of interest groups to influence government decisions and policies through direct interaction with legislators and officials. Lobbyists can be employed by corporations, advocacy organizations, or other special interest groups.

What do lobbyists provide officials?

They help interest groups with their ideas and get laws changed to their benefit.

7 roles of lobbyists?

A lobbyist bribes a politician to vote for special interests rather than public interests. The corrupt the officials with different techniques. They control the government. Professional lobbyists research and analyze legislation or regulatory proposals, attend congressional hearings, and educate government officials and corporate officers on important issues. Lobbyists also work to change public opinion through advertising campaigns or by influencing 'opinion leaders'.