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Taxation without representation. Significant distance of the ever-growing American colonies from Great Britain. Recognition of the value of goods produced by American colonists, combined with the desire of both parties (The Americans and the British) to exploit this value for themselves. Of course, there are several more, but this should serve as a good start.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Short Term Consequences

 The Americans had Independence, America had been owned by the British Empire until 1777 when they got independence.  The loss of American colonies was that Britain started trading in the East.  Britain changed from sending convicts to Virginia, to sending them to Australia.  Britain and America ended up losing many soldiers because of the war.  The creation of the constitution.  Formation of a republic. They now owned there country.  It weakened the British Empire

Medium &Long Term Consequences

 It showed that a weak country could overthrow a huge Empire with a much better army and weaponry.  It helped make black people equal and not thought of as slaves or beneath white people.  Canada was founded because of the Revolution, Canada received thousands of Loyalists fleeing the colonies  Australia was also founded as a place to send convicts  Britain used the American Revolution and a time for great reforms in Britain's finances and weaponry.  The British monarchy was severely weakened after the revolution.

(this is wrong he asked for causes not consequences...)

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The long term causes include many forms of taxation and duties imposed on the colonies by the British, all without having any representation in Parliament. Short term causes include having British soldiers living in the colonists homes, but also the Boston Massacre.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The American Revolution's most important short-term effect was the creation of a small but resourceful new nation in North America, with the corollary effect of shutting out the British from the richest portion of North American lands and resources. The long-term effects of the American Revolution are difficult to summarize cogently, as they have been so many and so important, such as the rise to super-power status of the United States in the 20th century and the gradual spread of American political ideals throughout the world.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The long term causes of the Revolutionary War was the increasing control Britain wanted over the colonists. The taxes increasing was the tipping point.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The answer that was here had nothing to do with the American revolution

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Q: Long term causes of the American revolution?
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