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deficit (debt)

estate general

social injustice

economic injustice

american revolution

i dnt noe if these r short term but they r definitly causes!

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Debt and taxes.

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Q: Long term causes of ther French Revolution?
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What were the long-term effects of the French Revolution?

The Revolution paved the way for the Industrial Revolution, as well as started the use of uniform laws in governments.

One immediate effect long term effect of the French Revolution?

What we now consider the dignity of the individual, the sanctity of human life, "civil rights", the equality of all humans under the law, things in other words that we take for granted today were all the result of the French revolution of 1789. Its constituents greatly influenced the American revolutionaries who went on to compose the Constitution of the US based on the enlightenment ideals that preceded the French revolution.

Who were the jacobin's?

In the context of the French Revolution, a Jacobinoriginally meant a member of the Jacobin Club (1789-1794), but even at that time, the term Jacobins had been popularly applied to all promulgators of revolutionary opinions

What were the long-term effects of the Cultural Revolution?

it caused the crops and stuff to go bad

What are causes and effects of the French Revolution?

the people are really not having humanity and would kill the people as they wish even if they do a small mistake like scolding a small word to someone and the french revolution kings would print a stamp on the slaves to indcate that they are slaves The proximate cause of the French revolution was the King's request for increased taxes. The long-term causes include the unholy alliance between church and state, aristocratic privilege, and chronic near-starvation in the French population due to low farm productivity.

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how were the french revolution and american revolution different?

The American Revolution succeeded in establishing the long-term representative government while the French Revolution eventually produced a dictator (Napoleon Bonaparte). The American Revolution was different from the French revolution because the Americal revolution was a revolt against a colonial power. The French revolution was an uprising against the appression imposed by Members of the titled nobility.

What are the differences between short term and long term cause of the revolution?

What revolution?

What are long term and short term causes?

Short term causes are what happened on the day long term is what happened in advance

What is the french term for the people rule?

Viva la revolution!!

Did the French Revolution achieve their goals?

Yes on a very short term

What were the immediate and long -term effects of the agricultural revolution that occurred in the 1700s?

Farming methods improved, Enclosure increases Output but causes migration, and population multiplies.

What were the immediate and long term effect of the agricultural revolution that occurred in the 1700s?

Farming methods improved, Enclosure increases Output but causes migration, and population multiplies.

What were the immediate and long term effects of the agriculture revolution that occurred in the 1700s?

Farming methods improved, Enclosure increases Output but causes migration, and population multiplies.

What were the long term causes in the victory of the Normans in the battle of hastings?

The long term causes of this battle were what happened before the event

What were the temporary effects of the french revolution?


How did world war 1 bring about the Russian revolution?

in its immediate and long term effects, the Russian revolution was more like the French Revolution than the American revolution. the American revolution expanded English political ideas into a constitutional government that built on many existing structures. in contrast, both the Russian and french revolutions attempted to destroy existing social and political structures.