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Q: N 1861 what did eleven southern states form?
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What year was the southern delegates form the confederate states of america?

In 1861, the southern delegates form the confederate states of America.

What form of the government did the southern have during the civil war 1861-1865?

what form of government did the southern states have during the civil war 1861-1865? idk i think it's a Confederacy NO IT IS A CONFEDERACY I GOT THIS!!

What did the eleven states that seceded the union form?

Prior to the Civil War, southern states seceded to form their own country; the Confederate States of America.

What form of government did the southern states have during the Civil War (1861-1865)?

what form of government did the southern states have during the civil war 1861-1865? idk i think it's a Confederacy NO IT IS A CONFEDERACY I GOT THIS!!

When did Mississippi join the Confederacy?

On January 9, 1861 Mississippi became the second southern state to declare its secession from the United States of America. On February 4, 1861 it joined with six other southern states to form the Confederacy.

Was Mississippi the first state to secede?

On January 9, 1861 Mississippi became the second southern state to declare its secession from the United States of America. On February 4, 1861 it joined with six other southern states to form the Confederacy.

Who threatened to start their own country from the United States?

John Brown tried. Eleven southern states did form a separate country.

What year did the Confederate States of America form with Jefferson Davis as president?

The Confederate States of America was formed in 1861. Jefferson Davis of Mississippi was appointed the provisional president by a convention of the first seven seceding states in February 1861. He was elected in a general election of all eleven rebellious states in November of that year.

Is Mississippi a confedrate or union state?

Mississippi was a Confederate state during the Civil War. On January 9, 1861 Mississippi became the second southern state to declare its secession from the United States of America. On February 4, 1861 it joined with six other southern states to form the Confederacy.

In 1861 delegates from the seceding states met to form a new nation called?

In 1860 and 1861, eleven states formed a separate nation called the Confederate States of America. This is a forerunner to the Civil War in which the Confederate States of America fought against the Union of States.

What are verbs for secessionist?

Secessionist is an adjective that describes individuals or groups that have seceded, or separated, from an established organization. Secede is the verb form. Example: In 1861, eleven states seceded from the United States government and formed the secessionist government known as the Confederacy.

What year did Louisiana secede from the Union?

Louisiana seceded from the Union on January 26, 1861, and was among the first seven states to form the new country called The Confederate States of America in February of 1861. The other six states joining her were, South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Texas.