Marbury vs. Madison
A bicameral legislature
the electoral college
the powers not delegated to the united states are reserved to the states! (1)
full faith and credit clause
prohibition...3:19am and still going. apush kills.
Free Speech Clause
The US Constitutional provision for the amendments known as the Bill of Rights has been of great importance. The amendment process allows changes to the Constitution when events deem it necessary to make fundamental changes in the laws.
Marbury vs. Madison
Declaration of Intergovernmental Independence
There is no such thing as the constitutional status of the so-called presidential line-item veto. It was proposed but never confirmed to be constitutional, rather, the Constitution makes no provision for such a privilege.
A bicameral legislature
Great Compromise
no constitutional or congressional provision defined presidential disability
Cases where the decision hinges on the application of a constitutional provision are heard in Constitutional Courts. A good example of such cases would include all cases concerning Freedom of Speech as guaranteed in the First Amendment.