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LBJ entered Vietnam because he wanted to make sure South Vietnam did not fal to communism. He felt that we were a large enough superpower to overcome Vietnam in a short amount of time. He obviously was wrong.

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Because he believed in domino theory...

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Q: President Johnson entered the Vietnam war because he?
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Why did support for the Great Society decline in the late 1960s?

One of the reasons support for the Great Society declined in the late 1960's were issues with the Vietnam war. The Vietnam war greatly reduced the amount of political power that could be used promoting The Great Society. Johnson felt that he was going to be criticized either way. If he elected to stay out of the war and work on his Great Society programs at home he would be criticized as a coward for not promoting the promise of containment. This would not only hurt him but the nation as well. If he entered the war it would essentially kill any chance of the Great Society working to its full extent, he felt that his obligation as President was to the nation, and therefore chose to enter the war, which damaged his Great Society.

What presidents wife started the tradition of playing hail to the chief?

James K Polks wife started the tradition of having it played every time the president enters a formal gathering. The reason was because people didn't notice when he came in the room because he was so short.

Who was the youngest president at 42?

The youngest President was Theodore Roosevelt, who entered office at the age of 42. He is followed by John F. Kennedy at 43, and Bill Clinton at 46 as the youngest presidents ever to take office.Theodore Roosevelt was 42 when he became president after the death of McKinley.

Which of the US presidents was a tailor before he became the President?

If you are an older woman and would like to find a man who is in the same age range, you should try a local senior center. Many towns or neighboring towns have such place where people will meet either weekly or daily and start up new friendships. You can also try a senior cruise, you can go to any cruise website and see what they offer in terms of senior cruises.

Did president carter make the decision to enter world war 2?

The US entered WW2 in December 1941, at which time Jimmy Carter was too young to vote, never mind be president. FDR was president at the time, but he didn't really have a decision to make. The treacherous attack on Pearl Harbour by Japan made the decision for him.

Related questions

Who was president of the US when the US entered Vietnam War?

lyndon b. Johnson

Who was the US President when US frst entered the Vietnam War?

John F. Kennedy was President. 1960 to 1963

Why did president Johnson refuse to order a full scale of North Korea?

President Johnson refused to order a full scale invasion of North VIETNAM because, as a Senator during the early 1950's he remembered that Communist China entered the Korean War (1950-1953), on the side of North Korea because the US DID invade North Korea. President Johnson was determined that this would NOT happen with his war in Vietnam.

What prompted the US to enter into an all out war in Vietnam?

The reason the United States entered into a war in Vietnam was to keep the Communists from North Vietnam and the Soviet Union from taking over South Vietnam. The war quickly spread to other countries in the area like Laos and Cambodia.

What was Andrew Johnson before becoming president?

Johnson was a tailor before he entered politics. As a politician he was an alderman, a mayor, TN state representative, a TN state senator, governor of TN, a US Congressman, a US senator and vice-president before becoming president.

When US entered in Vietnam?


How did Australia enter the Vietnam War?

Australia entered the Vietnam War because Australia feared that they would have to face the spread of Communism.

What is the main reason that US go in Vietnam after the world war 2?

The US entered the Vietnam war after ww2 because the US wanted to control Communism or stop it completely and half of Vietnam was a commie country and the US did not want the Communism to spread so we entered to stop the commie side of Vietnam and to liberate the Democratic side

When did the US get involved in the Vietnam War?

In February, 1965, the Viet Cong attacked an American military base near Pleiku. Using the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, President Johnson sent in 3,500 Marines, the first official troops, to South Vietnam. By the end of the year, there were 200,000 US troops in Vietnam.

When was US involved with Vietnam?

The U.S. entered the Vietnam war in 1959 and withdrew in 1973

Why did the US entered the war of Vietnam?

To save the Republic of South Vietnam from being conquered by the COMMUNIST country of North Vietnam.

Did illegal rugs enter S Vietnam during Vietnam War?

I know of no illegal "rugs" that entered south Vietnam but there were illegal Drugs that did enter Vietnam.