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Q: Principles of that are used today began to appear during the Crusades.?
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The Crusades began when the Seljuk Turks did what?

The first crusades began when the Seljuk Turks Conquered Constantinople.

Who orchestrated the battls during the crusades?

Pope Urban II was the first to orchestrate the battle of the Crusades. This began in 1095 when the Christians went to war with the Muslims at the urging of the Pope.

Who orchestrated the battle during the crusades?

Pope Urban II was the first to orchestrate the battle of the Crusades. This began in 1095 when the Christians went to war with the Muslims at the urging of the Pope.

Who orchestrated the battles during the Crusades?

Pope Urban II was the first to orchestrate the battle of the Crusades. This began in 1095 when the Christians went to war with the Muslims at the urging of the Pope.

Why were the crusades fighting?

The Holy Lands are important to both the Christians and Muslims. The crusades began when the Muslims began denying Christians access to the sacred sites.

Longer prose works began to appear as a popular form during the .?


How did the crusades began?

1096-1291 A.D (OFF and ON)

When did the crusades begin?

The first crusade began in 1096.

How many Crusades were there Where did they begin When did they begin?

There were 9 official crusades. The first crusade began in 1095 with The Siege of Antioch.

What was the impact on the ancient worldduring the crusades?

The Age of Exploration began

What happened between 1095 and 1291?

The Crusades began and ended.

Who began the Crusades?

Pope Innocent III in 1198 AD.