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Q: Quorum is a least number of members who must be present for a legislative body to conduct business True Or False?
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How many members of Congress must be present to conduct business?

The Constitution of the United States says that 2/3 of the Congressmen need to be present to do business. That means that 67 Senators and 291 House of Representatives need to be present during sessions.

Which article in the constitution states that more than the members must be present to conduct business?

article I

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Who would conduct the business of the Senate if the VP is not present?

majority leader

What is the minimum number of members that must be present for house or senate to conduct business?

Each house must have at least 2/3 present.

How many members of each house has to be present to do business?


What word is the term for the minimum number of members who must be present to permit a legislative body to take official action?


Why must a quorum be present before business can be done in Congress?

Having a "quorum" requires a majority of members to be present before any voting can take place. If only 2 legislative voters were present, think of the things that could get passed, and everyone else would have to live with those decisions. In some organizations, a quorum represents a certain percentage (perhaps 10%) of total members.

In order to do business Congress must have a majority of its members present This is called a?


How many senators have to be present in order to conduct business?

More than half of the Senators must be present.