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Romanias second communist leader nicolae ceausescu was what in 1989?


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Q: Romanias second communist leader nicolae ceausescu was what in 1989?
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Romanias second communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu was in 1989?


Which country was ruled by a Communist leader named Nicolae Ceausescu?


Romanians second communist leader Nicolea Ceausescu was in 1989?

Nicolae CeauÅŸescu (1917-1989), leader of Romania between March 1965 and 22.12.1989.

What country was ruled by a Communist leader named Nicolae Ceausescu who led the country to economic chaos?

He wasn’t a Communist, he was a state capitalist dictator. Communism has no classes or government or money.

What is Nicolae Ceausescu known for?

Nicolae Ceausescu was Romania's last Communist Leader. He had a brutal regime, known in some accounts as the most rigid Stalinist regime in the Soviet bloc, and his reign directly led to the Romanian Revolution of 1989, the only violent overthrow of a Communist government to occur during the Fall of Communism. He and his wife were tried, convicted, and executed by military tribunal on December 25th, 1989.

Who was the leader of communist Romania?

The last was Nicolae Ceaușescu.

Which country was ruled by a Communist leader names Nicolae Ceausescu who led the country to economic chaos?

Ceausescu built all you can see today in Romania he was a good leader for the country,there are different speculations about the so called "Romanian Revolution" of 89' here are some of them: -Russia was not pleased because Ceausescu was not their puppet country and with the help of Ion Iliescu they turned the goverment to their favor. -Terrorist groups active in the country -FAN(Frontul Apararii Nationale) wanted the power so they shoot Ceausescu Sorry for any language errors

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Which European country's leader was executed on Christmas day in 1989?

Nicoalae Ceausescu, the then dictator of Romania. His wife, Elena, was shot with him.

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