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Please tell me a bit more about the question you want answered. Perhaps you are looking for the text of of the 6th Amendment which guarantees "... a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury ..." The Constitution does not specifically promise a trial by jury consisting of the defendant's peers, but does oblige the legal system to do all it can to make sure the jury has no prejudice against the accused.

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It was taken place in Omaha, Nebraska in a place called Dickson County.

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Q: Setting of a jury of her peers?
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Who is the narrator in A Jury of Her Peers?

There isn't a Narrator in A Jury of Her Peers.

When was A Jury of Her Peers created?

A Jury of Her Peers was created in 1927.

A defendant has the right to be judged by which of these?

In a jury trial - by a jury of his peers. If the defendant choses a Bench Trial then he will be judged by the Judge.

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the theme for "a jury of her peers" by Susan Glaspell is Feminism

This amendment guarantees you a trial by your peers?

There is no Amendment that guarantees a trial by a jury of one's peers. The 6th Amendment guarantees the right of trial by an impartial jury, but not of a jury composed of one's peers.

When was 'jury of your peers' established?

In the US there is no requirement that you are tried by a jury of your peers. The only requirement in that regard is that the jury pool (from which the petit jury is selected) be drawn from a fair cross section of the community.

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the theme for "a jury of her peers" by Susan Glaspell is Feminism

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The 7th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives U.S. citizens the right to a trial by a jury of their peers. Jury service is supposed to provide a person being tried with a jury of their peers.

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Why is jury nullification bad?

thats funny, noone has answer why people don't have a right to a trial of a jury of their peers. And those peers are empowered to decide.

What is a trial jury known as?

trial by peers