it shouldn't because our government does not need to waist its time messing around with people who believe in some bearded guy in the sky who can fly and use super powers. that doesn't solve our economic problems, foreign problems, and it doesn't allow world peace. so no, government shouldn't interfere with religion.
In the US this is prohibited. It would be a violation of the doctrine of Separation of Church and State. This is a Supreme Court interpretation of the First Amendment.
That would depend on the religion involved. In the United States of America, the Government has no business interfering with religious dogma, tradition and issues. Politics should not and legally can not be involved with this issue. People within these parties may have an opinion, but legally the parties should not be involved. Separation between church and state was originally setup to prevent politics from being involved with these issues, not to prevent the church from interfering with politics. Thomas Jefferson made the issue very clear by explaining the wall of separation that the state should never tear down. The issue has always been that the government should not get involved with the church.
How much the government should be involved in the economy
Awaking helped shape America political ideas about who should have a say in government
Cigarette packages should carry a warning of the health issues involved with smoking.
None more than this great nation needs. And always remember the government is here to serve the people, not the people here to serve the government. And like President Ronald Reagan said "The most feared words are I'm from the government and I'm here to help you".
Roger Williams believed that people should be free to follow their consciences in religious matters.In his view,the church and the government should be completely seperate.
why should a state interfere in personal matters of citizen
the government should be more involved than it is now but it is kind of involved
the government should be more involved than it is now but it is kind of involved
The Sunni believed that agreement among Muslims should settle religious and worldly matters. Shi'ah believed only imams should decide religious and worldly matters.
One philosopher who advocated for the separation of church and state is John Locke. He argued that government should not interfere in religious matters, and vice versa, to protect individual freedom and prevent religious persecution.
because he is the government should know what's going on.
How much government should be involved in the economy
There is no obligations involved. The contract should be independent of any religious interests or affiliations. If there are religious requirements, such as the observance of certain holidays, or methods of doing tasks, it should be specified in the agreement.
They are. The TSA is a government funded agency.
Some would say that the Church should also be involved in matters of ethics and morals, as well as just the spiritual and religious realms. However, the history of the Church is such that no faith can genuinely be placed in the Church as a leader in that realm. Not only have many church leaders failed as examples to their congregations, there is no evidence that Christians are less likely than others to break the law or be imprisoned. Whatever Christian teachings may have achieved in the spiritual and religious realms, they seem to have achieved little in the matters of ethics and morals, and should perhaps now encourage the secular teaching of ethics. Certainly, there is no reason for the Church to be involved in politics or in determining the passage of secular laws.