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Q: The Supreme Court case of Mapp v Ohio established the?
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Did Terry v. Ohio go to the US Supreme Court?

Terry v. Ohio, 392 US 1 (1968)Yes. John W. Terry, the defendant in State of Ohio v. Terry, appealed constitutional issues involved in his criminal conviction n the case Terry v. Ohio to the US Supreme Court. His appeal to the Supreme Court of Ohio was dismissed for lack of a substantial constitutional question. Terry v. Ohio was argued on December 12, 1967 and the decision was issued on June 10, 1968.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

What is the highest court in the federal government?

In the United States each state has a supreme court. The federal system has the United States Supreme Court.The highest Federal court is the Supreme Court.In most States the highest court is also called a supreme court.In the federal court system, the final court of appeal is the US Supreme Court. In the state court systems, the final court is typically the state Supreme Court, although a few states (such as New York) have a different title for the head court in that state. Some cases may be appealed from the state Supreme Court to the US Supreme Court, depending on the substantive issues of law.The Supreme Court of the United States (aka US Supreme Court) is the highest appellate court in the federal system.Each US State has a supreme court or an equivalent high appellate court that goes by another name.In most cases, the high court is identified as a supreme court: for example, The Supreme Court of Ohio or the Florida Supreme Court. Some states use different naming conventions. New York refers to its trial courts as "supreme courts," and its top appellate court as the New York Court of Appeals. Texas has two courts that function at the supreme court level: The Supreme Court of Texas, which reviews juvenile and civil cases; and The Court of Criminal Appeals, which reviews criminal cases.

Is the US Supreme Court the same as the Judicial Branch?

The term "supreme court" is used in both the state and federal judicial systems. Every state has a state supreme court, or a differently named equivalent, which is the highest appellate court within the state system. State supreme courts are typically located in the state capital. In at least one state, New York, "supreme court" refers not to the highest court of appeals, but to the trial court in which cases are initially heard.Every state is also a part of the national federal court system and its federal regulations, starting from district, appellate, and finally, the U.S. Supreme Court. The US Supreme Court is the highest appellate court in both federal and state systems for preserved questions of federal and constitutional law. The US Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over individual state laws or state constitutional issues.Generally, when people refer to "The Supreme Court," they mean the Supreme Court of the United States, or (colloquially) SCOTUS or US Supreme Court. When referring to a state supreme court, a person usually identifies the state first, as in Ohio Supreme Court, Alabama Supreme Court, etc.

How many justices does Ohio have on the supreme court?

The court has seven members, a Chief Justice and six Justices, each serving six-year terms.

In 1969 supreme court broadened the protections afforded political speech?

In 1969, the Supreme Court ruled that the government could not make laws that punished people for using inflammatory speech, however, this does not include speech that incites what is referred to as imminent lawless action. The case was Brandenburg v. Ohio.

Related questions

What was Dollree Mapp charged with in the Supreme Court case Mapp Ohio?

having obscene books

When did the Supreme Court hear and decide the Mapp vs Ohio case?


Famous supreme court case dealing with probable cause?

Mapp vs. Ohio

Which Supreme Court case established that evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment may not be used in state law criminal prosecutions in state courts?

Mapp v. Ohio

What fact led up to the case being appealed to the Supreme Court in Mapp vs Ohio?

someone died

What type of case was Mapp v Ohio?

Land mark criminal procedure case involving appeals to the Supreme court

What rationale has the US Supreme Court adopted for excluding illegally obtained evidence from criminal trials?

Mapp v. Ohio

Who were the lawyers who argued Mapp v. Ohio before the US Supreme Court?

Mapp v. Ohio, 367 US 643 (1961)Petitioner: MappAttorney: A. L. KearnsAmici: Bernard Berkman (ACLU, argued for reversal of Ohio Supreme Court decision)Respondent: State of OhioAttorney: Gertrude Bauer MahonFor more information, see Related Questions, below.

What were the results of Mapp v Ohio?

The primary result of Mapp v. Ohio, (1961) was that the US Supreme Court incorporated the Fourth Amendment to the States and applied the Exclusionary Rule originally established in Weeks v. US, (1914). The Exclusionary Rule prohibits the prosecution from using evidence obtained illegally (in this case, as the result of wrongful search and seizure) to convict the defendant.More InformationDollree Mapp won her US Supreme Court case, Mapp v. Ohio,(1961), by a vote of 6-3, and her conviction for possession of pornography was vacated, ending the seven-year prison sentence Ohio imposed in 1958.Although Mapp's attorney argued originally argued the Ohio law under which Mapp was convicted was unconstitutional because it was overbroad and infringed on her First Amendment rights, the Supreme Court ultimately decided the case on the basis of a Fourth Amendment search and seizure violation, incorporating that Amendment to the states and extending the federal "exclusionary rule" to prohibit illegally obtained evidence from being used against the defendant in court.Case Citation:Mapp v. Ohio, 367 US 643 (1961)

Which famous court case established the principle that evidence gained through illegal methods could not be used in a state court case?

Mapp vs. Ohio

What are the related cases with Mapp v Ohio?

There are no other 'related' cases. The US Supreme Court only takes one representative case for review when considering the constitutionality of a law. If, indeed, there even were other cases, ONLY the Mapp v. Ohio case was chosen.

What was the date of the Mapp v Ohio case?

Mapp v. Ohio, 367 US 643 (1961)The case was argued on March 29, 1961. The US Supreme Court released its decision on June 19, 1961.For more information, see Related Questions, below.