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The anti-federalists were opposed to the Constitution because they felt it established a federal government that was too powerful. They argued that a strong national government would diminish the power of the States.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The primary reason the Anti-Federalists opposed the idea of a Constitution was because they thought it granted too much power to the federal government. Patrick Henry was a prominent Anti-Federalist.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

They felt they needed the Articles of Confederation

They felt that the Articles of Confederation did not need to be reformed

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βˆ™ 13y ago

gave the federal government too much power

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The anti-federalists were against ratification of the constitution mostly because they wanted more power. The constitution did not allow proportional representation.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The Constitution was but an inevitable outcome of the Revolution of 1776.

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Q: The anti fedralist argued against the constitution because they felt it?
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(Apex) Against the Constitution

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Do you believe that the Anti-Fedralist did a great job in arguing against the US Conastitution?

no because there was no point, our govenment is gonna end up any way that the people inside the government want it to end up. although the people that argued against the constitution had a good point, there opinion didnt matter, nobodys opinion mattered unless you were a representative of one of the 13 states and still it had to be a 9 out of 13 vote or nothing would be changed so there attempt at a say in the constitution did not go unrecognized but it just didnt work out and that wasnt there fault it was the delagates fault for having those kind of rules.

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Henry Clay argued that actions of President Jackson including his enforcement of the Indian Removal Act were?

(Apex) Against the Constitution