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Q: The chief right arm of the President is the?
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Who is the chief right arm of the President?

The Department of State is the President's right arm in both formulation and execution of United States foreign policy.

What is the President's right arm in foreign affairs and how important has it been historically?

The President's right arm in foreign affairs is the same as in home affairs. Dude, what do you think? Historically, evidence suggest that the right arm has always played a strong role in completing a president. When a president hasn't a right arm that normally means that he's disabled.

Who is the head of arm forces for the US?

The President is the Commander-in-Chief and utlimate head of the armed forces of the United States.

What branch of government commands the arm force?

The Executive Branch, specifically the president. He is the "commander-in-chief."

Is the US President the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces?

Yes the president is the commander and chief right now its honorable Barack Obama

Who is the commander in chief of the US military right now?

At this date in August, 2011, the commander-in-chief is the President of the United States, Barack, H. Obama.

What is the chief of state's name?

The president is often referred to as the "chief of state," so right now, that would be President Barack Obama. But if you are referring to the "Secretary of State," that would be Hillary Clinton.

Who is the president of the state human right commission?

retired chief justice of high court

Who controls access to the president?

The answer to that is the president's chief of staff.

Who is the commander in chief of the armed forces of the US?

Whoever the president is of the US. Right now Barack Obama is commander in chief of the armed forces.

Who is in commander in chief of the armed forces in the US?

Whoever the president is of the US. Right now Barack Obama is commander in chief of the armed forces.

Who is the chief commander of the Armed Forces of the US?

Whoever the president is of the US. Right now Barack Obama is commander in chief of the armed forces.