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At this date in August, 2011, the commander-in-chief is the President of the United States, Barack, H. Obama.

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President Barack Obama

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President Barack Hussein Obama.

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Q: Who is the commander in chief of the US military right now?
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Who is the commander in chief of the armed forces of the US?

Whoever the president is of the US. Right now Barack Obama is commander in chief of the armed forces.

Is the US President the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces?

Yes the president is the commander and chief right now its honorable Barack Obama

Who is in commander in chief of the armed forces in the US?

Whoever the president is of the US. Right now Barack Obama is commander in chief of the armed forces.

Who is the chief commander of the Armed Forces of the US?

Whoever the president is of the US. Right now Barack Obama is commander in chief of the armed forces.

Who is the commander in chief of the armed forces of US?

Whoever the president is of the US. Right now Barack Obama is commander in chief of the armed forces.

Who is commander of chief now?

The commander in chief of the united states is Barrack Obama.

What is the primary purpose for the president to be the commander in chief?

As of right now with Obama being president the purpose of being commander-in-chief is to weaken the military by allowing gays to openly serve and to cut the defense budget instead of taking it away from the lazy worthless scum that sit around and collect welfare checks.

Who is the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Army and Navy?

Answer Now --> Barack ObamaThe commander-in-chief of all US forces is the current President of the United States.The phrase you're looking for is "Commander-in-Chief". According to the US Constitution, the Commander-in-Chief of the US military is the President of the United States.The current US President .

What are three tasks of the president?

Economic Planner Chief Diplomat Party Leader Chief Legislature Head of State Chief Executive Commander in Chief The President has many roles, a few being chief diplomat, chief executive, commander in chief, and chief legislator. if you see the president now and 2008 he now has grey hair from all that work.

Which cabinet member hepls the president carry out duties as commander-in-chief?

The Secratary of Defense helps the president carry out his commander-in-chief duties. Right now the Sec. of Defense is Robert M. Gates, but President Obama will appoint a new one.

What is the highest paid military position?

Commander-in-chief (the president.) Other than that, probably the Chief of staff. Now, for pure military, it's most likely General Of The Army.... Actually, if you consider positions with the military that aren't military in and of themselves, it's Navy's football coach (somewhat over $1million, compared to the $400k for the President).

How did Obama refer to the commander in chief of the military?

This question makes no sense because it does not provide the context. Barack H. Obama is now the President of the United States, and as such, is the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military. He would probably refer to himself as "I" or "me." Heck, if he were feeling particularly regal, then he might even refer to himself in the plural third person and use "we." For any time prior to his inauguration, he would have referred to the Commander-in-Chief as "President (insert last name of President at the time here)."