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The part of the US Constitution known as the 'elastic clause' is found in Article I, Section 8, which states "The Congressshall have Power... To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."

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Q: The elastic clause expands the power of what branch of government to do what is necessary and proper to carry out its enumerated powers?
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How has the necessary and proper clause expanded federal power?

The 'necessary and proper' clause is an expressed power that gives way to an implied power. The federal government to use it to justify acts that are not specifically sanctioned in the Constitution.

Does the 13th Amendment limit or expand the power of the government?

Indirectly, it expands the power of government, by charging it with enforcing the provision against slavery.

Who wrote about the breakdown of the General Will with the expansion of government?

One scholar who wrote about the breakdown of the General Will with the expansion of government is Friedrich Hayek. In his book "The Road to Serfdom," Hayek argues that as government expands and becomes more intrusive in the economy and society, it undermines the ability of individuals to freely pursue their own goals and undermines the principles of the General Will. Hayek advocates for limited government intervention and emphasizes the importance of individual freedom and economic liberty.

What is it called when a country expands its influence and power into a large empire?


Why was spoils system ineffective?

The spoils system introduced a new level of corruption in American Government as well as placing "leaders" who had no real ability to lead other than their friendship with elected officials. It is well proven that corruption hurts economic development as well as the people's trust in their government. People work together more efficiently when there is mutual trust, thus everything becomes less efficient and waste expands.

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Why is the uterus is elastic?

The Uterus is like a balloon that expands and contracts. It is also elastic so that is may holster the baby while it is in the early stages of development.

Why does government expand?

Government expands to fill a need of the people. Sometimes it expands to provide additional safety or financial services to the people.

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Is an elastic muscular organ that holds urine?

It is the bladder.

How has the necessary and proper clause expanded federal power?

The 'necessary and proper' clause is an expressed power that gives way to an implied power. The federal government to use it to justify acts that are not specifically sanctioned in the Constitution.

Does the 13th Amendment limit or expand the power of the government?

Indirectly, it expands the power of government, by charging it with enforcing the provision against slavery.

Why would a heated up ball bounce higher than a normal or froze tennis ball?

The air inside the ball expands on heating and this, in turn, makes the ball harder / more elastic.

How does the temperature of a soccer ball affect how high the ball bounces?

The hotter the ball is the higher it bounces. This is because the air in the ball heats up and expands. This tightens the skin and gives the ball a higher elastic potential

Murcury expands when it's hot but what expands when it's cold?

Water expands when it freezes and becomes ice.

What are ways the US constitution expands on the ideas of the colonists in their early forms of government?

runnin the government the way carl miller blair wants to run the government flip all of you other people your all losers but its okay im from planet rat :)

Which kind of energy does a spring-loaded popgun have?

A spring-loaded popgun stores potential energy in the form of elastic potential energy in the compressed spring. When the trigger is released, the spring expands and converts the potential energy into kinetic energy, propelling the projectile forward.

Why is your transmission fluid low when warm but full when hot?

That is normal. The fluid expands when heated.That is normal. The fluid expands when heated.