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The arttoney generals other words ,the law and it includes the constitution of the country.


By far the legislative branch has the most power of the three branches. Article I of the US Constitution gives it numerous express powers to enable it to govern the country by legislation. In contrast, the judicial branch is by far the weakest of the three branches. It has no authority to act on its own volition. It may only act in cases and controversies, which means within the context of a lawsuit. Further it has no power to enforce its own judgments. It relies on the executive branch for that.

The system of checks and balances was never intended nor does it provide for equality of power among the three branches. It was simply the separation of the three basic functions of government (legislative, executive and judicial) into three separate branches so that no function could be abused. Checks and balances does not equalize the power of each branch. It provides a means by which one branch can stop another from trying to become more powerful than it is supposed to be.

With all respect to the first answer, the attorney general's office is not a correct answer, since that office is part of the executive branch as opposed to being a separate branch of government, which is what this question refers to.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Neither of the three. If the system is working correctly there is an equal balance of power between the branches. This system is known as "checks and balances".

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βˆ™ 11y ago

the legislative branch.

Honestly its really easy to look up answers on novelstars. You press ctrl + f and you can imput key words and find it right away.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

There are several foundind fathers , and they ALL wanted an EQUAL BALANCE of power, for one not to be too strong or too weak.

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Ling Vongsavath

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βˆ™ 1y ago

which branch of government do you believe that the founding fathers wanted to be the most powerful? Why?

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βˆ™ 12y ago

legislative branch

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Q: The founding fathers intended which branch to be the most important?
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The system of checks was designed by our founding fathers to prevent 1 branch of government from becoming more powerful than the other.

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The legislative branch was established by Article I of the Constitution, the Legislative Branch consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate, which together form the United States Congress.

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The Founding Fathers wanted to establish a system of checks and balances. They created the three branches so that a single branch could not take over the government.

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The founding fathers separated the power to make, enforce, and interpret laws between different branches of government in order to prevent government becoming tyrannical.

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checks and balances! next time read your book or actually search the web!

Why is the legistative brunch the most important?

It's not. All three branches are equally important, like a stool with three legs, if you take one away it will not stand. The legislative branch passes laws but if the law is unconstitutional or not enforced it is useless at best and dangerous at worst. The Executive branch enforces the laws and the Judicial branch makes sure that it is constitutional. The founding fathers knew what they were doing! There is no better system of government yet created by man. God Bless America!

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