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Q: The principal philosophical influence on the writing of the Declaration of Independence was?
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What was the second principal of the declaration of independence?

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Which sentiments in the original draft of the declaration of independence did the author agree with-?

The principal author of the original draft of the declaration independence, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, agreed on the sentiments that based it on the form of the United States Declaration of Independence.

What two ideas in the declaration of independence support the principal of popular sovereignty?

The independent

What was George Childress' role in the Texas Revolution?

george childress was the author of the Texas declaration of independence, and he served in Washington D.C. as a diplomatic agent for the state

First person to sign declaration of independenece?

John Hancock, was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence.

Who was the creator of the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration.

Why is Thomas Jefferson the third president?

because he was elected after two other presidents

Witch president was the author of the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration of Independance. Other men, some of which signed the document, help to write it, though most of the credit should go to Jefferson.

Who is the thied president?

The third President of the United States was Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson is known as an American Founding Father and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence.

Who is George C Childeress?

George Campbell Childress (January 8, 1804 - October 6, 1841) was a lawyer, statesman and was a principal author of the Texas Declaration of Independence.

When did Thomas Jefferson wirte the Declaration of Independence?

The committee to write the Declaration of Independence was composed of five men John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman. The principal author was Thomas Jefferson. He began on June 11, 1776 and the draft was submitted to the Continental Congress on June 28.

Was john Adams a principal?

John Adams, colonial lawyer,editor of the Declaration of Independence, negotiator with France, Vice President under Washington, Second President of the United States, author, farmer, father of 6 and father to another president.He was not a principal, but rather a president.