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They were called Federalists.

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Q: Those who supported adoption of the Constitution were called?
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Who were those who supported the Constitution?


What were the people who supported the Constitution called?

The side at opposed the ratificaton of the constition was the Anti- federalists. people who were Anti-federalists such as George Mason and others.

Did people agree with the constitution?

No there were some who supported it, called Federalists and some who didn't support it beecause they wanted a Bill of Rights, called Anti-Federalists ******* To answer the criticisms and assist in its adoption, three men wrote a series of papers entitled "The Federalist Papers." Those papers answered the critics and assisted in getting the constitution adopted.

Why Bill of Rights was added to the constitution?

It was added as a compromise between those that supported ratification of the Constitution, called Federalists, and those that were opposed to ratification, called Anti-federalists. Anti-federalists agreed to support ratification of the Constitution if the Bill of Rights was added later, which is why the Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.

This group supported a strong national or central government?

In the debate around the ratification of the Constitution in the United States in 1788, those in favor of the Constitution and its concept of a strong centralized government were called Federalists.

Those who opposed the adoption of the Constitution were known as?

"Anti-Federalism also refers to a movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and which later opposed the ratification of the Constitution of 1787" The Anti-Federalists.

During the english civil war those who supported parliment were called?

During the English civil war, those who supported the monarch were called puritans.

The main topics of the US Constitution such as those which describe the branches of government are called the?

The main topics of the U.S. Constitution, such as those which describe the branches of government are called the ARTICLES of the Constitution.

What are Philippine citizens called?

The 1987 Constitution, Article IV, Section 1 provides: Section 1. The following are citizens of the Philippines: Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this Constitution; Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines; Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority; and Those who are naturalized in accordance of law. by: jampong

What were those who supported the British cause during the American Revolution called?

they could have been called loyalists im not sure

The colonist who supported the war for Independence were called what?

The colonists who supported the war for independence against Great Britain were called Patriots. Those who didn't support the war were called Tories or Loyalists.

What were people called that supported Great Britain?

Those that stayed loyal to the Crown were called Loyalists.