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Second Continental Congress----HAHAHHA awesome same question I have on my summer homework for honers XD looked it up online as well :P

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Q: Three weeks after the American Revolution began in 1775 delegates from all colonies except Georgia met to discuss possible courses of action at the?
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Three weeks after American revolution began 1775 delegates from all colonies except Georgia met to discuss possible courses of action?

Second Continental Congress

How is the world different because of John Hancock?

Hancock was a prominent leader in the American colonies, was very active in the creation of the United States. Without Hancock, it is possible that the American revolution would not have succeeded.

Why did the French revolution occur?

The French Revolution occurred because the people saw how effective the American Revolution was and they realized it was possible to change their government.

What was the last possible compromise that would have avoided the American Revolution?

The olive branch petition

How were oppressed people in other countries affected by the American Revolution?

They learned that freedom was possible.

Which side did Germans back up during the American Revolution?

Since Germany was not yet a single country at the time of the American Revolution, it is not possible to say which side the country supported. However, the Germanic mercenaries that fought in the American Revolution fought for the British against the Americans.

Did the French Revolution or American Revolution have a greater impact on the world?

I would say American Revolution because it was known as a 'world war' at that time. It also told countries that the 13 colonies were now known as the United Stated is America. The American Revolution had a greater impact. The French Revolution gained strength and motivation from the Americans. The US Constitution remains the oldest document that continues to maintain a democracy. I would agree as well. While the French Revolution seems to be more revered around the world, the fact remains that the French were highly inspired by the Americans' successful revolution less than ten years prior. The Americans showed that it was possible for the people to overtake a monarchy. Of course, the French fell victim to their own revolution as did the English and both restored monarchical-type rulers. The American Revolution remains singular in that it didn't fall into the hands of a dictator/tyrant/monarch.

What was the population of England at the time of the American revolution?

Its generally accepted that the population of the thirteen colonies totaled three million, roughly. There was no census then, so this is a careful estimate. An exact number is not possible.

What did news of the Boston massacre help?

The Boston Massacre helped create the idea among American colonists that a Revolution can be possible

How did the enlightenment ideas influence revolutionary ideas in American colonies?

It rejected traditional social, religious, and political values.

What could England have done differently to prevent the revolutionary war?

Nothing. at the time of the war the English were untested in spreading their authority as far and as wide as they could. The Americas were a source of income for them and they felt that they had the power to keep it.

Why did the Southermn Colonies have slavery?

They had slavery because of greed on the part of American landowners. Their large plantations, particularly cotton, would not have been possible with paid labour.