Treis Elies's population is 63.
The duration of Oi Treis Harites is 1800.0 seconds.
Oi Treis Harites was created on 1990-02-08.
Oi Treis Harites ended on 1992-04-20.
Yvonne Treis has written: 'A grammar of Kambaata (Ethiopia)' -- subject(s): Grammar, Kambata language
The country code and area code of Treis-Karden, Germany is 49, (0)2672.
the greek word for three is treis
The cast of Treis stigmes - 2008 includes: George Dialegmenos Evgenia Dimitropoulou Antonis Karistinos Dimitra Larentzaki Roula Pateraki
In Greek, "tri" (τρία) means "three."
Alfons Friederichs has written: 'Kloster Maria-Engelport bei Treis an der Mosel' -- subject(s): Christian art and symbolism, Kloster Maria Engelport (Treis, Germany)
The cast of Treis manges sto parthenagogeio - 1959 includes: Roula Chrysopoulou Giorgos Kabanellis Niki Linardou Vangelis Ploios Nikos Stavridis Koulis Stoligas Hristina Sylva