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Eighteenth Street was, is & will always be a Sureno gang affiliated with La Eme.

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Q: Was 18st really surenos before they became 18st?
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What is the biggest gang in Tucson?

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Is there a 18ST gang in Dallas Texas?

yes 18st o.c

Convert 18st 9 lbs to kgs?

18st 9lbs = 118.388kg

What is 18st?

18st is the worlds biggest gang next to the MaraSalvatrucha or Ms13.

Which is the most known gang?

I assume you mean in America, but I am not from there. The first ones to pop into my head would be the Bloods and Crips, and also I guess the KKK and Nazis were gangs... Hope I helped... :-/

What is 18st 3lb from 17st 13lb?

18st 3lb - 17st 13lb = 4lb. Therefore, the difference is 4 pounds.

What are some hate crimes committed by the 18st gang?

I lived in LA almost all my life.As you may know there are not a lot of white people in LA,well the ghetto part,so I'm guessing there not the ones being victimized. As for blacks,18st had beef with the Black P Stones because a member of 18st was shot by them.Since BPS is a really small gang,4 or 5 other gangs are helping BPS against 18st. The gang currently at war with 18st are BPS,BPS(city),Rollin 20s,SAG,BDS,and maybe one more. So when you hear the news of a "hate crime" remember this.

What is 18st gang?

its past present and future we was there in the past we is in the present and we is the future

What year was the toilet inventred?

Toilets and sewers were invented in several parts of the world, in 31st - 18st centuries BC.

What is 18st 12lb in kilos?

18 st 12 lb is equal to approximately 120.2 kilograms.

Is 18st gang the most nortorious gang in America?

18st is the worlds biggest gang next to ms13.===============================================================Notorious: Known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous:===============================================================Depends on the Type of gang.White gangs - SkinheadsBlack gangs - Crips or BloodsHispanic gangs - MS 13 Latin Kings and yes 18th Street===============================================================

What has the author Elena Fedorovna Sidorenko written?

Elena Fedorovna Sidorenko has written: 'Istorychna metroloniya livoberezhnoyi Ukrayiny 18st'