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It was necessary for the government to take strong measures against people who opposed the war so that all can remain united. The United of States was a confederation and unity was critical.

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Q: Was it necessary for the government to take strong measures against people who opposed the war?
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It was necessary for the government to take strong measures against people who opposed the war?

It was necessary for the government to take strong measures against people who opposed the war so that all can remain united. The United of States was a confederation and unity was critical.

It was necessary for the government to take strong measures to people who opposed the war?

It was necessary for the government to take strong measures against people who opposed the war so that all can remain united. The United of States was a confederation and unity was critical.

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The answer to this question is this.... They opposed having such a strong central government and thus were against the Constitution.

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The answer to this question is this.... They opposed having such a strong central government and thus were against the Constitution.

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the us government was hostlie to the soviet leader for taking Russia out of ww1 and was opposed to communism