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On December 26, 1776, Washington's troops were victorious in the Battle of Trenton, primarily against the Hessians, German mercenaries fighting for the British.

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A.) hessian troops at Trenton

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Q: Washington's surprise attack across the Delaware in December 1776 resulted in what victory?
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Why did Washington crossed the Delaware river?

George Washington crossed the Delaware River during December 25â??26, 1776. He did this as a surprise attack against the Hessian forces in Trenton, New Jersey.

Why did George Washington stand up while crossing the Delaware River?

While it would be fun to say that is was to get to the other side, the truth is that he wanted to attack Trenton, New Jersey. He crossed it on 24 December and attacked on 25 December 1776 taking the Hessians by surprise. The Hessians surrendered, making the battle at Trenton the first American victory in the Revolutionary War.

How did George Washington cross the Delaware River?

Answerto get to the other side! (literally!)true. But it was also definitely not for the same reason that he crossed the Delaware River (often confused with the Potomac) On a cold December night, Washington and his troops crossed the ice-choked Delaware River and caught the British troops completely by surprise. Definitely a turning point in the war.

Why did political parties form during washingtons presidency?

So they can have enough time for them to apologize the taxes of what Britain did to France. During the valley. Forge surprise on Christmas Day they had to go to battle a surprise battle and Britain wanted to get George Washington money when Washington was letting James Madison be president and Washington be vice president

How did Washington turn retreat into victory in New Jersey?

Washington decided on a bold move: a surprise attack on Trenton. The soldiers went throughout many obstacles to get to where they needed to go. Early December 26, the Americans surprised the hessian troops guarding Trenton.

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On what night did washington crosd the delaware river to surprise the british army at trenton?

Washington crossed the Delaware river on the night of December 25th.

Why did Washington crossed the Delaware river?

George Washington crossed the Delaware River during December 25â??26, 1776. He did this as a surprise attack against the Hessian forces in Trenton, New Jersey.

What is the crossing of the delaware?

Washington made his crossing on 25 December 1776 to make a surprise attack on Trenton, New Jersey.

What were Patriot stratagies in the Battle of Trenton?

George Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware River and attacked on December 26, 1776. They took the Hessians by surprise.

What was the password for the surprise attack on Trenton?

The phrase 'victory or death' was the American password at the Battle of Trenton. The battle occurred on December 26, 1776, and resulted in a victory for the United States.

When did washington cross delaware to surprise the enemy at trenton?


Which river did George Washington troops cross to launch a surprise attack at the Battle of Trenton?

On christmas night George Washington crossed the Delaware River.

Which river did Washington lead his troops across on Christmas night in surprise attack on the British?

The Battle of Trenton (New Jersey) was fought on December 26, 1776, when Washington's troops crossed the icy Delaware River in a snowstorm to attack the Hessian garrison. As many as 1000 of the German troops were captured, and their commander, Johann Rall, was mortally wounded.

What happened during the crossing of the Delaware River?

George Washington knew that the Hessians were not ready for an attack. He also knew a victory was needed to give the patriots hope. On December 25, 1776, he and his patriots crossed the Delaware River and marched to Trenton, New Jersey. There, the Hessians were surprised Washington was there to attack. General Washington and his men captured more than 900 Hessians as a Christmas gift. Surprise, surprise!

Why did Washington cross Delaware to surprise the enemy at Trenton?

To keep Trenton guessing in the next battle.

Who did washington surprise at attack when he crossed the delaware river?

on christmas night, 1776

What are the release dates for Father of the Bride - 1961 Surprise Surprise 1-14?

Father of the Bride - 1961 Surprise Surprise 1-14 was released on: USA: 29 December 1961