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The right to personal liberty

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Q: What was an “unalienable right” that all governments should protect?
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What was an unalienable right that government should protect?

The right to personal liberty

When are you justified in abolishing government?

According to the Declaration of Independence, governments are established to secure the rights of mankind, such as the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights, according to the Declaration, are unalienable, meaning they cannot be taken away. When any form of government becomes "destructive of these ends" (the unalienable rights of the citizens), it is the right of the citizens to "alter or abolish" that government, and establish a new government that will protect the rights of the people.

Is education an unalienable right from the declaration of independence?


Are laws governments make in order to protect the rights of minorities from discrimination.?

civil right laws.

What were John Lockes natural rights ideas?

John Locke's natural rights ideas revolved around the belief that individuals have inherent rights to life, liberty, and property. He argued that these rights are unalienable and come from being human, not from governments or rulers. Locke believed that the purpose of government is to protect these natural rights, and individuals have the right to revolt against oppressive governments that fail to do so.

Laws are laws governments make in order to protect the rights of minorities from discrimination.?

civil right laws.

What laws are laws governments make in order to protect the rights of minorities from discrimination?

civil right laws.

What is the meaning of with certain unalienable rights?

What is unalienable can not be taken away or denied, people have the right to liberty, life and the persuit of happiness

What are unalienated rights?

"Unalienable rights" are rights that all men are enitled to, that cannot be taken away or given away. (note: governments and societies can and do remove these rights for violations of law)

Can your unalienable rights be taken away in school?

Unalienable rights cannot be taken away. However, they can be limited or regulated to protect the rights of others. The courts have ruled that schools have the right, for example, to search lockers without your consent if they fear for the safety and well being of the rest of the student body.

What is the main argument of the Declaration of Independence -?

The main argument of the Declaration of Independence is that the people of a land have rights and freedoms that should not be ignored by governments or rulers, and that if these "unalienable rights" are ignored, the people have the right to form a society of their own. In the case of the American colonists, they had decided that they were no longer willing to be subjects of the British king.

Who believed that natural law required governments to protect citizens right to life liberty and property?

john Locke