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Q: What 2 changes were made to the constitution after World War 1?
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What changes were made to the constitution after the civil war?

After the civil war, the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were added to the constitution and the three-fifth clause and the fugitive clause were stated.

What effect have changes in the US Constitution had on the Texas Constitution?

Texas made changes to the application of admission into the Union and updated their Constitution for re-admission after the Civil War. Their modification includes insurance that they would enforce their rights against an Oppressive Federal Government.

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Good changes made during world war 1?

Women received men roles.

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world war 2

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he made changes to the soviet union which its effect is that he helped to end the cold war

What changes after world war?

ww2 came

The changes in weapons and warfare between ww1 and World War 2?

there were many changes between the weapons in world war one and world war two, in world war two we now have the atoimic bomb, also the guns were better and have longer range.

How did eastern Europe's political boundaries change from before World War I to after World War I?

Political changes in eurpe after world war 1

What was a difference between World War 1 and world war 2?

World war 2 produced more dramatic historical changes.

What were some changes in fashion between world war 1 and world war 2?

Derek was here.

What changes did world war 2 have on America?

the us dollar became international after the world war 2.