Calvin Coolidge was somewhat of an eccentric. It is said he had one or two pet raccoons when he was in the White House.
President Calvin Coolidge ,who served 1923-1929, kept two pet raccoons in the White House that he would walk or carry around the grounds. His wife, Grace, may have been the actual owner of the raccoons. Their names were reported to be Rebecca and Horace.
32 of the 43 U.S. Presidents to date have been dog owners (all except Madison, J. Q. Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, W. H. Harrison, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, A. Johnson, Arthur and McKinley). Although some were not dog owners, all were pet owners.
Andrew Jackson's parrot supposedly voiced obscenities at his funeral .
George Washington's favorite pet was the American hound dog!
The Lincoln boys had a pet goat in the White House.
A much As u want.. Presidents in the past like Benjamin Franklin had like a pet Dog or something like that Almost all the presidents had Pets One Or More.
John Quincy Adams had an alligator that was a gift from the Marquis de Lafayette.
No, there is no record or credible source that suggests President Barack Obama had pet crocodiles during his time in the White House. Presidents typically have more traditional pets like dogs or cats.
Calvin Coolidge had a couple pet raccoons while he was president.
President Calvin Coolidge had pet raccoons in the White House.
President Bush's dog Spot was the first dog to be born in the white house
Madame Medusa's alligators are named Brutus and Nero.
A Cocker Spaniel named "Feller".