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Q: What Pamphlet denounced British rule and fanned the flames of the American Revolution?
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What pamphlet denounced british rule and fanned the flames of revolution?

The pamphlet is called "Common Sense" authored by Thomas Paine.

What text is credited with promoting the American revolution?

"Common Sense" a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, which debated the legitimacy of British colonial government in the thirteen colonies.

Which patriot wrote and influential book that denounced British aristocrats as frauds and parasites?

It wasn't a book but Thomas Paine wrote such a pamphlet. It was named Common Sense and was very famous

Was Tomas Pain a loyalist or a patrot?

A patriot! He was a english american author. Born in Thetford, in the english country of Norfolk. Paine emigrated to the British American colonies in 1774 in time to participate in the American Revolution. He wrote the pamphlet: Common Sense in 1776.

Which patriots wrote an influential book that denounced British aristocrats as fraud and parasites?

It wasn't a book but Thomas Paine wrote such a pamphlet. It was named Common Sense and was very famous

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who was the british monarch at the time of the american revolution

Which patriot wrote an ifluential book that denounced british aristocrats as frauds and parasites?

Thomas Paine wrote "Common Sense," which denounced British aristocrats as frauds and parasites. This influential book played a significant role in inspiring American colonists to seek independence from British rule.

Who lost the American Revolution?

The British.

Who were the British leaders in the revolution?

King George III is the British leader during The American Revolution.

What is the publication of Common Sense?

January 10, 1776

Who sent British Troops during the American Revolution?

King George the 3rd was king, and he sent his British troops out to war in the American Revolution.

Why was the American Revolution a fallasy?

Compare the strenghts and weaknesses of the British and Americans entering the American Revolution