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the Morrill Act

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Q: What act gave federal land to the states to help finance railroad construction?
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What drove the pace of railroad construction to the US?

What drove the base of railroad construction in the United States

The first transcontinental railroad in the united states was completed in?

The construction of the First Transcontinental Railroad started in 1863 and was finished in 1869. When it was first completed, it was known as the Pacific Railroad.

What is federal highway funding?

Funds for federal highway construction. Each state is allocated certain $$ amounts to spend on highway construction ... the states then allocate it further to local government as they deem necessary.

What obstacles did railroad construction in the United States face?

They faced New residents and and raw materials for Indrustry

What Gave federal land to the states to help finance agricultural colleges?

Land act

What physical obstacles did railroad construction in the United states face?

They faced New residents and and raw materials for Indrustry

What act gave federal land tot he states to help finance agriculture colleges?

Morrill Act

What federal department administers grants to states for highway construction through the federal highway administration?

The federal department that administers grants to states for highway construction through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). The USDOT oversees transportation-related policies and programs at the federal level, and the FHWA is one of its key agencies responsible for managing and distributing federal funds for highway infrastructure projects across the country. The FHWA works closely with state departments of transportation to allocate and administer grants for highway construction, maintenance, and improvement projects

What led the passage of the Chinese exclusion act?

chinese workers took jobs for low pay in mining and railroad construction in the united states

What has the author Thomas B Parrish written?

Thomas B. Parrish has written: 'Special education finance' -- subject(s): States, Special education, Finance, Federal aid to education

What was the Federal Aid Road Act of 1916?

The legislation established the federal-state relationship that determined that federal help would be channeled through the states, which were responsible for implementation of heavy construction projects.

Would farmers and ranchers have settled in the west without the construction of the transcontinental railroad?

Almost definitely. The Homestead Act is one of several United States federal laws that gave an applicant freehold title to up to 160 acres (1/4 section, 65 hectares) of undeveloped federal land outside the original 13 colonies. This was an enticement... ~Austyn Terrio