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what action can a member of the house take to close debate

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Q: What action can a member of the house take to close debate?
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In which step does the house debate on the bill?

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one hour

During debate how long a house member speak without getting permission to continue?

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Does the house of representative have limited debate where as the senate have unlimited debate?

Yes, the House of Representatives have limited debate.

What does an mp do inside house of commons?

A member of parliament in the House of Commons may propose legislation, participate in debate, ask questions of the Prime Minister, and vote, among other duties.

Why is it that only a member of congress can porpose and introduce a bill into the congress in either the house of representatives and or the senate?

Anyone can write, draft a bill. But only a member of congress can sponsor the bill. The bill must be sponsored by a member before it can go to the floor for debate.

What is the role of the speaker of the house of common?

To preside over the House of Commons when it is in session. The Speaker can choose when to suspend or adjourn debate, have debate done in private and call for silence or order from the MPs. The Speaker is usually a former member of the ruling party, but they have to sever ties with the party once they take their position.

Who has limited debate the house or the senate?

House of Representatives

What may end debate on a bill on the floor of the house?

motion to end debate

The house schedule and the terms for debate are controlled by who?

erm, i think the speaker of the house.i know that she/he is responsible forPresiding over debate, recognizing Members to speak on the floor, and preserving order; or delegating that power to another Member of Congress.Setting the legislative agenda.