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He gave an interview with Playboy magazine and admitted to “lust in his heart.” Seems pretty tame compared to the things that are happening now.

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Q: What action did president jimmy carter was called the most disgraceful thing a president has ever done?
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What action by president Jimmy Carter was called the most disgraceful thing a president has ever done?

Granting amnesty to America who evaded the Vietnam draft by President Jimmy Carter was called the most disgraceful thing a president has ever done.

What action by President Jimmy Carter was called one of the most disgraceful acts a US President has ever done?

Jimmy Carter granted amnesty to Amercans who evaded the Vietnam war draft.

What did president carter support that people criticized?

Affirmative Action.

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What president called himself a popcorn fiend?

Jimmy Carter

Is Jimmy Carter from England?

There are a number of people from England called "Jimmy Carter". But the US President was an American, from Georgia.

What cotroversial action did president Jimmy Carter do concerning the panama canal during his presidency?

he did yhe chikin dance

Who was the only president to come from Georgia?

Jimmy Carter was the president from Georgia.

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president carter president carter

Did President Carter took appropriate action in handling the Iran hostage crisis?

Appeal release the hostages on humanitarian grounds

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Jimmie Carter (although he couldn't pronounce "nuclear"!)

What president was elected after Jimmy Carter?

Jimmy Carter was elected president of the USA on January 21 1977. Robert Mugabe was elected president of Zimbabwe after Carter. The next President of the USA was Ronald Reagan.